Chapter 1

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It was just after noon, lunch having just ended students sat at their tiny desks as the teacher took attendence for the evening going down the list one by one not looking up from her attendence sheet, just expecting a reply and then she got to the final name on the list.

"Jackson? Percy Jackson?" She calls out, but unlike every other name no response came, marking him absent she turned to start writing on the board, but then she heard startled shrieks from the other students and finally turned to see what they were going on about.

Crawling around on the floor  blowing bubbles with his saliva was the strangest thing Mrs. Tonya had ever seen in this school...

A baby, a baby that looked not much older then maybe two years old. Where had it come from?

Whose child was this?

Perhaps it would be prudent to hand this messy black haired, green eyed baby to someone in the front office? Maybe they could take over the search for his parents..find out where he came from?

Stepping from around the desk she swooped down and lifted him off the floor.

"Now now don't fuss, lets see if we can't figure out where it is you belong young man." She cooed.

"Class, sit quietly for a moment, nobody leave their seats until I come back, while I deal with this situation." She warned

"Mrs. Tanya? I don't know where he is, but Mr. Jackson left all his things at his desk.. wouldn't it be a good idea for those to be given to the front desk?" A girl piped up pointing at a bunch of heavy books on the desk.

"That's a very good idea Sandra, how about you go ahead and gather those and the backpack and come to the office with me?" The teacher suggested

The girl looked unhappy but faced with a request from the teacher, she gathered the books and followed as Mrs. Tanya carried the strange toddler.

Finding nobody else in the office they instead tap on the door to the guidance councilor.

A perky woman named Eudora opens the door and greets them "Hello how may I help you today?"

"I can't find anyone in the office that can help, but you won't believe this, but I found this little toddler just crawling around my classroom..I don't know where he came from, Also it seems a young Mr. Jackson although he showed up for school disappeared during the lunch break and never returned, well he left all of his belongings behind, I thought maybe I could leave these with you..and as for the baby I have no clue what to do with him..and I really need to get back to the other students.." she stammered

Eudora  stares at the baby as he blew a raspberry at her, taking in his striking sea green eyes that were all to familiar to her.

She glanced from the books then back at the baby and then smiles as if nothing was wrong.

"Oh no worries, I'll just take this little guy off your hands, and don't worry about Mr. Jackson he got sent home early today, he wasn't feeling very well, I suppose he was so preoccupied with feeling sick he forgot his belongings. I'll just hold onto those here until he returns to school." Eudora says quickly behind a smile.

Handing the child over to the perky lady, Mrs. Tanya and Sandra leave and return to their classroom.

Finally alone with the baby she sat him on her desk and trying not to panic she questions the child "Percy?"

The baby just clapped his hands and tries to eat the computer mouse on the desk.

"Those eyes.. there's no doubt you're the bosses kid..what am I going to do..How am I going to explain this to your Dad! That's going to be a fun conversation to have.. I'm so getting fired as a neriad! He'll never trust me with you again, When I tell him about this.. how could this happen? Right after getting all your recommendation letters to! Your father is soo not going to be happy!"

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