"Really, In Public..?"

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Hypertana Smut. :] In public(sorta).


Katana and Hyperlaser were at a bar, It was about 10Pm by now, The both of them were used to going out and staying out late drinking with eachother. They saw it as a way to calm down from their day, filled with Phights and their Jobs.

Katana had just ordered his 3rd Beer by now, While Hyperlaser was fast asleep, Most likely from the Alcohol, His head resting on the table, he had his helmet on still, Which Katana didnt understand how it wasn't uncomfortable, But didnt mind as he chugged down his 3rd beer.

Checking the time, Katana had realised it was about now 11Pm, Noticing how long they have been out for, Katana thought it would be a good idea to leave, As the Pub Was mainly empty cept for a couple random demons.

Katana nudged Hyperlaser softly, Wanting him to wake up, As he sighed as he picked up the drunk and sleepy mercenary, Paying for the drinks and walking out, The cold wind hit his skin, It was cold by now, And that was lucky enough to wake up the sleeping mercenary, who was now realising whos arms he was in..

"katana..?" Hyperlaser muttered softly, Still quite tired by the sounding of his voice, "Yes, Hyper?" katana responded, slowly walking up the street still carrying him.. "I..i want you." Hyperlaser said, quietly, And katana went red slightly, his face burning from under his mask, "Right now tho.? in public?" katana replies, Still red from the sudden request. "please, I need you.. Badly." Hyperlaser muttered, by now holding onto Katana a bit more,

Katana sighed, Quickly walking into a small alley way, Before dropping the mercenary, "May i take your helmet off?" Katana asked, which Hyperlaser replyed with a small nod, In which Katana took the helmet off, Hyperlaser's hair was quite messy and long, Despite wearing a helmet 24/7, And he found it adorable.

Katana took his own mask off, moving the soft pieces of hair out of his face to look at his lover who was on the floor, Looking more needy every second, He sighed, "Take your clothes off." Katana stated, Himself taking his own off, Once both boys had done that, Katana couldnt help but look at how hot his lover was, Quickly picking him up by the hips, resting his legs around his waist, Lining his member up with Hyperlaser's tight hole.

"W-wait what about lu-" Before Hyperlaser could finish his sentence, He yelped quietly as he felt himself being stretched around Katanas member, Katana groaned softly, and once getting most of it inside of Hyperlaser, began to thrust softly inside of him, Getting quiet whines and moans from the smaller man, Katana continued at a steady pace, Slowly but surely getting faster with each thrust, Making Hyperlaser moan out in pleasure and pain, Soon after awhile, Katana groaned out "Im close.. Inside or outside..?" In which Hyperlaser Muttered "O-outside.. ah~"

Katana soon reached his climaxe, Releasing loads of cum inside of Hyperlaser, Forgetting about how Hyperlaser wanted it outside, Hyperlaser moaned out, loudly, his head layed back as he also came, Getting over katanas chest and himself, After the two's climax had finally stopped, Katana panted softly, dropping Hyperlaser on the floor. "God that was.. Amazing.." He muttered, His face red and sweaty, Hyperlaser lay there, still in pleasure before muttering, "I-i said outside you idiot.." In which katana replyed woth a soft sorry, Katana helped Hyperlaser get dressed then got dressed himself, Ignoring the small pool of white stuff below them, Katana picked up Hyperlaser.

"Want me to take you back to yours?" Katana said, But Hyperlaser kind of shook his head, He didnt want anyone seeing his state. "Fine, Just expect Shuriken to panic when he finds you in our house." he joked, And began to walk to his own house in Thieves' den, Quickly opening the door, and heading upstairs to his own room, being careful to not wake up any of his other house-mates, he placed Hyperlaser on the bed, Who by now was fast asleep, Katana chuckled, Until he remembered he forgotten their mask and helmet.. He sighed and made a mental note to get them in the morning. Quickly going back downstairs to close the door, But then he heard a quiet, yet shocked yell, In which Katana knee was Shuriken by now. sighing he went up and yep, He saw Shuriken stood at the entrance of his room, "Katana you brought HIM around?!" Shuriken shouted, "Shuri, Dont shout, And he wont hurt you.", "But what if-", "No if's, Go back to your bedroom." Shuriken wanted an explanation, But he would do that in the morning as he went back to his own room.

Katana finally went in his own room, Closing the door as he noticed the mercenary still asleep somehow, despite Shurikens loud shouting, Yet just chuckled as he took his shirt off, before getting in bed with Hyperlaser, Cuddling up close to him before falling asleep right after.



Sorry people who EXPECTED subkit(from my server)
I swear i will get that out next.

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