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Taylor's Pov

Beads of sweat made their way down my flushed face as I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Once I was sure I was done I flushed the toilet and leaned back against the wall. Tear streamed down my face as I cradled my upset stomach. This had been a common occurrence the past few days. I've been ignoring the symptoms for a while now and playing them off as a stomach bug. I didn't want to believe that it was a possibility. I'm only nineteen and my music career has only just started kicking off.

Letting out a shaky breath I wiped my tear-stained face with the palms of my hands before pushing myself off the floor. Staring at myself in the mirror I could see that my hair was sticking out every which way from having just woke up. My face was puffy and red and it looked like I hadn't slept in days. I did my best to make myself presentable before slipping out of the bathroom and down the hall into my room. I threw on a random hoodie grabbing my purse, wallet, and keys.

It was nearly midnight so I had to be quiet so I wouldn't wake my mom but I somehow managed to sneak out to my car without making to much noise. I drove to the nearest 24-hour gas station and parked in the empty parking lot. Throwing my messy blonde hair into a bun and covering my head with the hood of my sweater I grabbed my things and headed inside the small building.

The bell on the door chimed as I opened it immediately being hit with the war air and smell of day-old hotdogs. My head pounded and my stomach churned violently as the florescent lights flickered above me as I made my way over to one of the shelves. I scanned the many different items until my eyes landed on a small pink box which I immediately grabbed not wanting to be there longer than I had to. On my way to the register, I picked up some packs of peanut butter MnM's after suddenly finding myself with an intense craving for them.

"Just these please." I mumbled scared that if I talk any louder, I might throw up.

The cashier quickly scanned the items as I crossed my fingers that they didn't recognize me. "That will be $13.98 please." They turned back to me setting the bag of items on the counter.

I pulled out a twenty handing it to them before grabbing the plastic bag of the counter. "Keep the change."

I made my way back out to my car shivering as the cold air hit my skin. Getting into my car I lazily threw my things into the seat beside me resting my head on the wheel. I gave myself a few seconds to compose myself before starting my car and driving home.


Tearing the small pink box open I pour the contents of it onto the counter before reading the paper instructions that were inside. My hands shook as I picked up one of the plastic sticks. A wave of nausea washed over me, and my vision went black for a moment as I dropped in front of the toilet violently throwing up the little remains of my dinner which wasn't much at this point. I lifted my head away from the bowl breathing heavily before standing up on shaky legs and rinsing my mouth out with water from the sink.

Taking a deep breath, I quickly took the tests and washed my hands before grabbing everything and bringing it into my room and curling up on my bed. My head was running a mile a minute saying a silent prayer that this wasn't what I thought it was. It felt so wrong to pray against something so many people pray for every day.

I glanced over at my clock and noticed five minutes had passed. Slowly I sat up and looked over at the four tests that were sitting on my nightstand. Carefully I picked them all up making sure not to see what any of them said and set them on my bed.

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