from then on.

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when morning hit, you wake yourself still feeling uncertain if yesterday was all a dream or not, once you look over to your left you see a raggedy man who is in dire need of a shower sleeping in the tree next to you.
you think to yourself "maybe this is where it starts getting better."
just as you're thinking to yourself you hear footsteps below you and the man jolts up from his sleep, his hand going straight to his knife that's holstered on his waist.. you're a bit startled at his reaction but quickly shake the fear off and look below you to see two lifeless souls just wondering.
you look over to him and shoot him a smile while quietly whispering "and i thought i was the scared one- look at you" you quietly giggle and he pushes you with his foot a bit.
after the small moment you had with him you start to think of a plan, after thinking it out you look at him and tell him to wait with your hands.
you swallow back your fear and drop the rope down while they're turned around and start to climb down, the second you hit the ground you quietly run up behind one of the walkers and put your knife into the back of its head, you try pulling out your knife but it's stuck, the man in the tree starts to watch closer to see how you'll handle the situation, you pause for a moment and look around while the other walker inches closer, you stumble backwards and feel your pockets, nothing.. you search the ground and see a smaller stone on the floor and relentlessly pick it up and smashed the walkers head, the nasty gooey blood splattered you and your clothes with the first hit..
n/a: "nice one kid"  your head shoots towards the tree as you dramatically fall over to catch your breath. the man climbs down and walks over to you, handing you the same bandanna from the freezer. you graciously take it and wipe the blood off your face. he offers you his hand and you take it- he pulls you up quickly and dusts your back off.
y/n: "some help would've been nice, i've never had that happen before." you say as you walk over to the walker who's skull entrapped your knife, you bend down to get a closer look and then put your knee into its back to help you pull it out.. you cringe at the noise and he laughs at you.
n/a:"now what good would that have been? you're being evaluated i need to see what you're capable of." he says as he watches you check the walkers pockets.. nothing-
y/n:"so what if i got bit that would've been it? you would've just left me here?-" you look over at him  while walking back towards the tree to get your bag.
n/a:"well you didn't. don't dabble in what didn't happen" realization hit and you look down at your clothes, then at the bodies on the ground.. you think to yourself "i did that-.. i'm capable of that?.." you climb into the tree grab your bags and untie the rope from the tree.
y/n:"can you come help me down?."
he looks up at her as he walks under the tree. she drops her stuff down and slides off the branch like she was sliding off a horse, your feet land on his shoulders and he slowly bends down till you can jump off.
y/n:"thank you very much, mr- uh.. what's your name-" he laughs and looks at the ground as he starts walking infront of her.
n/a: "my name is daryl, daryl dixon. i was sent out to collect people who are lost or alone. i've noticed you around for awhile i was just waiting for the right time to approach you, i don't know what you've been around to see or how you are with strangers, so i had to watch for awhile, the afternoon at the house just made me realize you're a runner, and a good one at that" he finally stops rambling as you stumble behind him, you try catching up and once you do you look over at him.
y/n:"so you're telling me i've been being stalked-?!" your eyes grow big and you look away before finishing your sentence "and i was just now figuring it out-.."
he chuckled quietly and continued to walk, nodding his head.
daryl:"from now on you're apart of the group, i can tell you'll fit in."
you look over at him finally feeling like you're meant to be somewhere. you guys continue walking for awhile running into walkers and wildlife, daryl takes a few shots at some rabbits and manages to get one.
daryl:" damnit these damn rabbit, how are they so fast.." you laugh and rub it in his face as you walk over to the ONE rabbit he managed to get. you bring back the small rodent and hand it to him with a sarcastic smirk. he snatches it and shoves it in his bag.
daryl:"oh shut it. it's not like you could do it, you were starving until that can of chickpeas" you go quiet and continue to walk, he laughs and playfully pushes you.
the sun is setting and the heat is slowly going away, he starts straying off the walking path and you just follow quietly, he makes a rock circle and sends you off to find dry wood. you walk a bit out of sight with your knife in hand being extra cautious, you search the ground and pick through all the small twigs in the dirt. you pocket the tiny ones and look around for bigger branches, once you found enough you bring them back to the empty campground,
y/n:"daryl??- where did you go.." your eyes search through the trees looking for any bit of movement, a branch snaps behind you and you quickly fly around with your knife out.
daryl:"woah kid, chill out-" he pulls your knife down and pats your shoulder. you let out a giant sigh and look at the branches you're grasping onto for dear life.
y/n:"you're so wrong for that. i should throw all this shit at you." you drop the pile of branches in the rock circle and daryl magically lights the fire. it all happened too fast for you to see, "that'll be a lesson for another time" you think to yourself.
daryl pulls the rabbit out of his bag and fasendes it to a longer stick while he slowly rotates it in order to cook it evenly. he finishes cooking it after a while and picks off some pieces for you and hands them over, you eat them and after awhile feel as full as you can feel. you lay up against a tree and start dozing off, daryl looks over and smiles lightly while making sure to stay awake. from then on he knew you were there to stay.

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