A sneak peek...

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Eyes wide, May jumped up with a start, looking around for intruders of any kind as if expecting her room to be filled with various kinds of monsters ready to kill her. Memories of last night came running back to her...Ice man, Pretty goddess, wish..."Oh my God, wishhh, she gave me my dream life" May suddenly bolted to her window, expecting to see changes.
"Alright, no unicorns flying around yet but no biggie...I mean, maybe they're asleep. Okay, how does this work??" May thought hard and finally decided to try her morning twirl. "Definitely that would decide". With a nervous sigh, May got on her toes and started with the twirl. "Oh my God, I'm doing it...I'm not falling...I'm doing a perfect tw...wooooaaahhhhhhh...thud". With tear filled eyes, May pulled herself up, rubbing her injured elbow. "I guess I didn't get my wish after all. It was just a stupid dream". However, May knew something about that 'dream' wasn't right. It felt too real, too good to be a dream. Maybe she was doing something wrong. But what could it be!! May suddenly realized that she had not yet had her morning call with Riri. Maybe...
"Ugggghhhhh" May winced as she realized the extent of her injury. All the while focusing on her bruised elbow, she rushed to the door, hoping to get an ice pack from the refrigerator. With eyes closed to suppress the searing pain travelling up her arm, she pushed open the door and stepped out. "Whoooosssshhhhhhhhhh"...May felt a heavy wind pass through her body as she stepped out of the door, propelling her forward. Following that was a slight shock as if being electrocuted for a second and suddenly it was gone. She felt all weird and mushy inside which made her dizzy. Fighting the pain in her elbow and the dizziness taking over her, May opened her eyes.

Rooted at the spot and unable to comprehend anything, May kept staring straight ahead with her mouth hanging open. In front of her was a market place. A crowded market place bustling with activity. People were moving all around, everyone seemed to be everywhere. May's eyes took in the scene greedily, not wanting to leave anything out. There were children with their parents, some sticking around and others being rebuked by the father or mother. "How did I get here...where am I"...May kept asking herself these questions, short of falling unconscious but fighting still. She had to figure out what was happening. She could not lose her consciousness right now. "Am I dead..." No one seemed to notice her, even those who did refused to acknowledge her presence. They just kept moving along. May's thoughts were cut short by an ear deafening sound, most likely a huge bell being rung from a very high place. She looked up and realized it was already sundown. Nothing in the whole world could have prepared her for what came next. Nothing.
As soon as the bell was rung the fifth time, May's ears caught the faint sounds of howling..."Howling??...how is that...". That's definitely howling, but where is it coming from!! May craned her neck to find the source of the sound. It seemed like every second, the howling kept growling louder and louder, getting nearer. May's heart began to pound in her chest, her consciousness threatening to abandon her. "What is going on!!". Immediately the howling stopped, faint rustling sounds followed. The market place had turned almost dark now, the only source of light coming from the moon. "The moon...it's a full moon" May's mind crossed possibilities of what could be happening but she shook them off. "No no no...it can't be". Through the light provided by the moon, May saw something or some things move. It seemed like the people she had seen earlier in the market were having a kind of... seizure. "What could be wrong!! Are they sick...all of them!!" May risked peering closer. She saw that their bodies moved in impossible ways, bending at impossible angles, for humans at least. There it is again...the unmistakable sound of bones cracking". She could hear low growls coming from the people so close to her now, the people that seemed normal just moments ago, the people that could tear her limb to limb if she didn't find a way out. As if sensing her distress, all eyes...glow-in-the-dark eyes, of so many colors fixed their gaze on May. They started moving towards her, dangerously slow at first, then halting every few seconds giving hints of confusion on their faces".
"Time to goo" May thought as she turned around to grab the door handle. Her heart stopped. "Where did it go!! Oh no no no no, this is not happening" May was incredibly close to tears now, quickly losing the composure she tried so hard to keep on". Slowly, she spun around. The human like beasts were about ten feet away from May now.
Without thinking, May began to step back slowly, stretching her arms out as if to say that she meant no harm. They kept advancing towards her slowly, like curious animals. Suddenly, May spun on her heels and started running towards 'God knows where'. She ran as fast as she could, knowing that her consciousness was leaving her with every step she took. She kept praying for unconsciousness not to catch up with her...that's if the man eating beasts don't catch up first.
May was in a forest now...a dark forest that cast gloomy shadows that seemed to follow her with red peering eyes. "They're not real, they're not real May, get it together. This is not snow white...it's not a fairy tale, get your shit together" May told herself as she bit her lower lip unable to hold back the tears that just needed to be let free.
She could still hear the howling but it seemed distant now. As May turned around to see if she was still being pursued, her foot caught on a tree root.
Pain surged through her right foot as she felt herself falling slowly. She heard a deep thud and she willingly welcomed the darkness that came in an instant, the darkness that seemed so inviting, so enticing, so much wanted. May happily embraced the darkness as it engulfed her.

...pretty flowers, pretty birds... May's mind registered a sweet and gentle voice, it sounded so young, so innocent. It was singing to her. May fought back the darkness that clung to her. She had to see who owned the voice. Slowly, she opened her eyes, only to shut them quickly. The brightness blinded her. She squinted her eyes to get familiar with the light.
Slowly, shapes started to take their rightful forms. May groaned as her head began throbbing so hard she began to lose consciousness. She could see the form of a little girl sitting right beside her, her hands on May's head, stroking it passionately. The warm touch soothed May's headache a little.
As she lifted her head to take a proper look at the angel stroking her hair, May heard an unbearably loud shriek. The sound pierced May's ear drums and sent pangs and bangs directly to her head. This time, May couldn't resist anymore, she succumbed to the darkness. "Why had the girl screamed, was she terrified of her!! What was she doing here all alone!! Who is she!!" Those were the questions May was unable to ask the little girl, the little girl who brought her so much comfort, the one whose soft touch May longed for more than anything.

Hey guys, so from the next chapter, the focus would go around. Of course May's still the main deal but we'll focus on others a lil bit too.
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