Oh May...

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May was still panting so hard that she paid no attention to the voice beside her.
She checked her body to make sure that she was whole and complete.
Oh my God! I survived. Her eyes lit up as she finally decided to look at her visitor.

Ty looked back at her with a gentle smile on his lips as if telling her that he knew what she had just been through.

It was then that May took notice of her surroundings.
Where am I!! This isn't my room!.

This room was much bigger than May's former room. It was terribly dark. The sunlight streaming in from the parted velvet curtains did not help disguise the feeling of doom she felt in this room.
There were no light colors. May looked around, only to be greeted with more dull colors. Black, Grey, silver.

"Does anybody have a life here" May thought out loud. Despite the poor choice of colors, May couldn't help but admire the beauty of the room. It was filled with classy furniture that looked even more expensive than that of Mr King's.

She looked at Tyler for answers.
"Urmm...why am I here". For the first time, May sensed discomfort in Tyler's expression and body movement.
"What are you not telling me!! Am I in trouble?? Where am I!!" May ran her hand over her now exposed hair as she let out question after question.

Ty let out a loud cough to clear his throat. "You're in ..."

"Zythen" Came a voice from the farthest part of the room. May could hardly detect where the person had spoken from as the room was so dark.
Although she could tell that the voice belonged to the almighty Master Kai.
"You're in Zythen, beanie.".

Skyler finally walked outt of the shadows, looking as majestic as ever.
As expected, May drooled at the sight before her.
Jeez, how could one man be so...so...perfect.

The smirk planted on Kai's face brought May back to reality.
"Zythen?? That sounds like something you'd see in a comic book" May said matter-of-factly.

Tyler let out an audible scoff as he stood up and walked to Kai's side.
"She's stable now but she still needs some rest. A lot of food and water would do too". Tyler gave Kai a friendly pat on the back before leaving the room.

May's eyes followed the only person that was keeping the tension in the room on a fairly normal level.
"Ah Jeez...what do I do now!!" May was not aware of the fact that she had spoken out loud.

"How bout we play a little game beanie!!" To May, Kai was dangerously close even though he had taken the empty spot once occupied by Tyler.

Does he know the effect he has on me!!

"Game??" May tried to sound cool.
"Yes, Game!!" He responded almost as quickly.
Is he trying to tempt me!!

With an unnecessarily loud clearing of her throat, May scooted away from Kai.

She tried so hard to ignore the icy cold aura she could feel from him. She could feel his eyes piercing the back of her head even without looking.

Gathering courage, May decided to speak up. "Alright,  let's play your game. What's it about??"


Arrogant son of a bitch. Did he not hear me!!

Annoyed, May took a sharp turn towards Kai and she immediately regretted the action.

Why's he so close!!
May could feel his hot tantalizing breath as it fell on her right ear, making her tingle all over.

She hated feeling so weak under this man. May wanted to prove that he had no effect on her. If he wants to get to me, he has to come up with something better than a warm, hmmmmm, a warmmm...

May allowed herself to get lost in his gentle teasing. It just felt so good.

"The game is called "One question a day". Kai suddenly stated, snapping May out of her fantasies. "It's simple. You seem so curious and so, I'll allow you one question per day and I'll answer".

"Truthfully" May added, causing Skyler to look at her surprised. "You have to answer truthfully. Deal??" May stretched out her right arm.

Skyler was shocked out of his mind.
"So, Beanie's not as shy as she looks. This'll be funn." He thought, still staring at May's outstretched arm.

May on the other hand was beginning to feel uneasy. Her arm was still outstretched and all he could do was stare at it.

Just when she was going to withdraw her handshake, Skyler took her hand in his. "Deal" He responded. "So, what might yourr..."

"OH My God" May screamed out, interrupting Skyler.

"What is it!!" Kai looked around for anything that might have made May scream like that. He found nothing and looked at May again inquisitively.

"Where is Gee!!" May screamed again, looking at Kai with eyes almost bursting with tears.

"Gee?? Who's Gee??" For some reason, Kai couldn't stand looking at May's sad eyes. Even if his expression showed nothing, he felt sorry for May.

"Where is shee?? She was lying there, just lying there!! Is she alright!!" May was barely making sense as her words got choked on tears.

Kai was confused. Who's she talking about!!
Ty, get up here. Something's wrong.

May was not getting any answers from Kai so she decided to take it upon herself to look for Gee.

Kai saw that May was already leaving the bed, trying to head out to the door.
Tyler, get up here NOW!!
"Stupid mind link" Kai grumbled.

Just as Kai began to get up, May opened the door and was confronted by a worried looking Tyler.

"What is the problem May??" Tyler looked into her eyes.

"I need to find Gee. Where's she?? Is she hurt?? Please take me to her!!" May burst out in tears, hitting Ty and trying to push him aside.

Tyler cast a quick glance at Skyler who shrugged innocently.
Ty closed his eyes. By the time he opened them, they had turned electric blue. He made direct eye contact with May. "Gee is fine. She's safe. She's resting right now. I'll bring you to her soon".

"She is safe. She is fine" May repeated those words as if in a trance.

'That's right" Tyler began whisking May to her bed, making sure she was sound asleep before turning to Skyler.

"Well??" He looked at Kai threatingly.
"Don't look at me. Just as curious as you are!!" Kai raised his hands up in mock surrender.

Tyler sighed and suddenly seemed so calm as if concentrating on something.

In a moment, Zara entered the room. Like every other woman, she was more than entranced by Kai's looks. She stared open mouthed for about a minute before being called to order with a loud cough.

"Who's Gee??" Tyler asked.

"Gee, my lord??" Zara replied innocently.

"I don't fancy repeating myself ".

"I'm sorry Master Tyler." Zara seemed to be thinking. "Oh, that must be my mistress' friend, the witch queen.

Skyler, who had been quiet all along, jumped up the mention of  'witch'.

"Witch??" Both Kai and Ty said together,  looking ready to kill.
All of a sudden, the room became darker as if it wasn't even dark at all formerly.

Zara shivered in fear of what she had said. She could sense trouble looming. Big trouble.

There you have it...chapter 14.

By the way, for those confused, Skyler is Kai, Gianna is Gee and Tyler is Ty. Let's keep that in mind.

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