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After eating the cupcakes, riggy and rory and rosey had to go to sleep

The good thing was that the sofa was big enough for two people to sleep at rory, and riggy slept on the sofa, and rosey slept at her room

Riggy covers himself with a blanket that rosey gave him and rory . He looked at the window since he wasn't really that tired

Riggy saw the outside through the window he saw the rain sporing down aggressively and couldn't see properly since the rain drops covered the window

Riggy closed his eyes and listened to the rain hitting the roof, and the windows riggy began to feel more calm and happy hearing the peaceful noise he felt safe and comfort 

He yawned, and he looked at the window again one last time before falling asleep

Riggy was making a video with his boss, Danno. Of course, he was kinda tired, but   Is glad that people enjoy the hard work he and danno put on the video

Danno finished editing it and left riggy telling him that we finished and we could do or what we were planning to do

Danno left riggy by himself, which riggy isn't that bothered he was going to teleport until.

Riggy was thrown to the ground aggressively. riggy looked up and saw it was clone riggy

"YOU!" riggy said angrily while he kicked him in the face, which led to clone riggy to lose his grip

"OoOoO! Are you mad?" Clone riggy said teasing riggy. "What do you want now, Clone riggy!?" Riggy screamed 


                 "I WANT REVENGE!"

Clone riggy said coldly



Riggy started sweating. He is nervous that he will do something bad to everyone he loves and cares about

"SO-O WHAT! I CAN FIGHT YOU AGAIN AND KILL YOU, " riggy said while shaking

"Oh! But you can't!" Clone riggy while giggling 

"What do you mean?" Riggy said, confused

"Oh! Well, you can always look behind you!"


Riggy looked behind him and saw Clone riggy jump, scaring him, but he looked distorted his face looked out of shape and creepy 

Before riggy could say anything, clone riggy

scratches riggys head...

And the rest of his body...

Riggy Screamed

Tears streamed down his eyes, and he was breathing heavily he felt like he was flaring up he looked at his arms, and it had scratch marks all over his body he touched his head until he felt liquid there

It was blood...

Riggy gasped extremely loud, but he covered his mouth, trying not to wake up his best friend Rory

He moved the blankets and saw more scratches on his legs. Even on his tail, he got up but fell to the floor due to the pain in his legs

He quickly looked at Rory, hoping that he didn't wake him up, but rory was still asleep

Riggy rolled his eyes jokingly, "Sleepy head," he thought, smiling but continued to head to he kitchen

He got up and limbed to the kitchen. Feeling like there's needles all over his body, he still cried since the pain was unbearable

Riggy made it to the kitchen and checked if there were any bandages

He opened drawers and drawers

He opened cabinets and cabinets, but nothing

Riggy felt tired and held on to the sink while he was slowly failing to the ground

But a bright light hit him, he held his arm up to cover his eyes until the words


Riggy turned to see the person who shined the flashlight at him and saw it was rosey and rory....

"R-rosy-y?... r-r-rory-y?...." riggy said before falling to the floor

Only hearing the words


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