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I hadn't ever imagined I'd be a father before I planned on settling down after One Direction. I never ever imagined that I wouldn't know the mother of my baby, either. But maybe the things you really want to know, you'll never know until you learn to accept. Or, maybe even if you accept, you'll never know what you want. That's life though, right? Throwing curve balls at you whenever you think your life is going good. 


"Liam, time to leave, Mate," spoke Harry from behind me. I had been sitting on the couch in my changing room scrolling through Twitter when he had walked in. "You all right?" Harry placed a hand on my shoulder, earning a look from me. I nodded my head and stood up only to hear my knee pop and feel my right foot fast asleep. I grabbed my bags and headed out the changing room for the last time. 

Harry lead the way as he put in his head phones and rolled his bag behind him. He wore his famous black Ramones t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. Louis was the next to follow him, beanie on his head and earbuds in his ears as well. His luggage rolled behind him as he walked down the hallway. Then it was me. I wore a black sweatshirt with the hood over my spiked up hair, ripped jeans and a pair of converse. I figured Niall was already on the tour bus eating all the food. It was only the four of us since Zayn left, I didn't blame him, though. All the fame and the paparazzi was probably getting too much for him. Even though he left, I still kept in touch with him. He was my best friend, after all. 

Everyone had finally arrived to the tour bus, exhausted from all the shows we've performed lately. The hotel was about two hours away from where we were, and I was gladly into accepting my tour bus bed for those short hours. Everyone but Niall headed straight to their bed. I decided to be nice and stay up for a few minutes and talk to him, after I grabbed my necessary water. I took a swig of it and screwed the cap back on it. "Hey, mate." I slapped his back lightly as I sat in front of him. He raised his head and tilted it back. "What's going on?" 

The cheeky Irish lad smirked before answering me. "Oh you know, eating all the food." He raised his tiny bag of chips towards me before getting up to toss them away. "It's a shame you can't get enough to eat on this bus." I laughed lightly, watching his search the cabinet for something else to eat. 

"You know, the hotel is only two hours away." Niall seemed to ignore me as I spoke. Shaking my head, I stood up and walked to my bunk. "I'll see you in two hours mate." He mumbled something under his breath and kept searching. I, however, continued to walk towards the bed. I figured I should change so I walked over to the tiny bathroom and stripped of my jeans and shoes and changed into to comfortable sweats. My hood was still over my head as I packed my dirty jeans into my bag. The bed was calling my name as I climbed into the top bunk. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I couldn't remember anything but waking up to be at the hotel. 


Hands shook me abruptly. "Mate, get your butt up. We're here." I could tell it was Niall by the excitement in his voice. He was obviously excited to be here, and I assumed it was only for food. "You're rooming with me, by the way." I groaned and decided to get up, grabbing my luggage on the way. Sluggishly, I got off the tour bus and five minutes later I was on my way to the hotel room. Lou was leaned over on Harry, snoring to his heart content. Harry was trying to stay awake, just like I was. Niall, on the other hand, was standing wide eyed, waiting impatiently for the elevator doors to open. Once they did, he was out of sight. 504, I thought to myself as I walked down the hallway only to run right into Niall. "Sh-"

Daddy Duty // l.p.Where stories live. Discover now