Virtual Encounters

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Hii, this is kinda just for fun, I wanna improve my writing so here we are. I hope you enjoy im not rly sure what I will do but I have high hopes. 

The sound of applauds filled the concert a sea of black and white lightsticks were waved around. "KIM DOKJA!!" a fangirl screamed her voice cracking.

 The stages floor started to open up, a purple burst of smoke covered the stage. "Hello everyone!" a clear voice rang out the crowd went silent for a moment then broke out into screams.

 Kim Dokja flashed a wide smile, waving to his fans. Today he wore a long white coat over a set of black pants and shirt. "Thank you all for coming out today to see me!" Kim Dokja bowed down.

 He was met by a burst of yells. Kim Dokja straightned himself out looking at the sea of lights and fans. He felt his heart beat faster as he raised the mic up to his mouth. 

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Yoo Joonghyuk had just finished a long stream, satsified with his work he took of his headseat and opened his laptop. He found himself exploring the trending section of Youtube and stumbled across a live video. 

The cover was a man with large black eyes, he was singing and engulfed in lights. He clicked on the video not expecting much. 

The second the video loaded he heard a loud clear voice. The video of the man dancing around the stage as he sung a powerful yet song made him pause. The sheer passion and power in the idols performance took him aback. 

He was spellbound, something that was rare for the streamer. Yoo Joonghyuk felt himself feeling a mixture of emotions and he listened to the song. When the song was over he felt a twing of dissapointment. "The song was to short." he thought as he listened to the video. The idol was Kim Dokja, based on the fans screaming his name from below. 

Kim Dokja puffed out a breath of air. Wiping sweat of of his forehead he looked more angelic then ever. 

"How could someone look so perfect after doing a peformance?" Yoo Joonghyuk wondered as he focused on Kim Dokjas face. 

"Thank you all so much for coming!" The man yelled the smile never leaving his face. 

Somebody threw a phone on stage making Yoo Joonghyuk ticked off. "That couldve hit him!" he shook his head mentally. Kim Dokja didn't seem to react thought, he picked up the phone and took a selfie facing the stage. 

"Please don't throw things up on stage!" he urgded handing the phone back down to the area where it was thrown. 

" This was Kim Dokja please keep on listening and supporting me, I love you all!" Kim Dokja waved to his audeince as the stage lowered. 

The stream stayed on for a few minutes before ending. The chat was still bursting though. 

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Kim Dokja heaved heavily grabbing a bottle of water from the staff. "Great job out there." his manager pranced up to him, handing a towel over.

 Kim Dokja greatfully took it "I hope they liked it." he fretted as he chugged the water.

 "Are you kidding they loved you!" Han Sooyoung smiled. 

Kim Dokja looked down clenching his pants. "I ran out of stamina to soon, I need to practice more."

 Kim Dokja tightned his fists into a ball.

 Han Sooyoung placed a hand on his shoulder "If. you practice any harder you might drop dead." Kim Dokja looked up with a quiet nod. 

The other staff rushed towards him bombarding him with words of reassurment. Kim Dokja could only give them a tired grin. Some staff took him away to help remove his costume and makeup. Kim Dokja came out feeling much more comfartable now dressed in a T-shirt and sweatpants.

 "All right lets get you out of here." she helped the idol up and led him to a car waiting outside.

 As they drove out, fans crowed around them waving around gifts. Kim Dokja took as many as he could, until his arms were flooding with plushes and hats among other things. 

"I can't believe all these people like me." he thought as he got into the car watching them from his window.

 He waved to them with the last bit of energy he had. 

"Kim Dokja I love you!!" a fan screamed. 

His heart dropped, those words brought back unwanted memories. Pushing down his emotions he turned away. 

He drifted off towards a shallow sleep. The soft sound of rain woke him up, he focused on the window which was littered with raindrops. The raindrops gave him comfort he watched them race down the window. 

He really enjoyed the simple things in life. Han Sooyoung was in the front driving the car to his house. She was tapping the steering wheel to a song that was playing quietly. They sat in a comfartable silence until the car came to a stop. 

His house was very modest considering his money. He lived in a small house which was bigger than most apartments but not to large. 

His mother always wanted to live in a house. "Here we are." Han Sooyoung handed him a umbrella as they walked outside.

 Kim Dokja took it walking outside into the rain. They reached his door and Han Sooyoung flashed him a toothy grin.

 "You did good today, I can probaly get the agency to leave you alone for a day." 

Kim Dokja have her a thankful grin and opened the door. The second he made it to his bed he plopped down. He found himself unable to sleep, he woke up many times in just an hour still excited by the recent concert. 

Annoyed with the lack of the sleep Kim Dokja laggardly got up and grabbed his laptop to pass time. 

"What should I watch." he scrolled through Youtube and quickly came across an intruiging thumbnail. 

A man with a rather handsome face was playing one of his favorite shooter games. Kim Dokja tried playing this game once but his aim was so horrible that all his teamates yelled at him. Out of curiosity Kim Dokja clicked on the video. 

"Hi, I'm gonna play Oden Shooter for a while..enjoy." the man said plainly and went right to the game. 

Kim Dokja was amused "Thats all he's going to say?" Kim Dokja scrolled down to look at the subscribes that the youtuber had. "35 million!?" his eyes widened.

 The chanel name was plain and simple just "Yoo Joonghyuk5".

Taken aback he contuined to watch the video. He found himself smiling inwardly when the streamer would make plain remarks. The stream chat was displayed in the corner and despite the lack of talking they seemed to be having plenty of fun. Kim Dokja was drawn to the youtuber and spent the rest of his night watching his videos. 

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Hii I hope you guys liked this^^ Please leave a like! <3

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