
494 21 7

Hii again random but im rly hungry atm

Enjoy the story^^

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As the harsh sunlight streamed in his through his curtains Yoo Joonghyuk began to stir. He must've dozed off. 

He slowly opened his eyes heavy from the sleep he turned to his still open computer. Stretching and rubbing his eyes he grabbed his computer setting it on his lap. He quickly scanned over his emails ignoring the spam and business offers. 

Closing his laptop he went to brush his teeth and all the other stuff. Yoo Joonghyuk didn't have an eventful life. All though he had many "friends" he didn't like being social. He found more comfort in his house away from the world. 

He sat down drinking a smoothie while scrolling on his phone. The idol Kim Dokja was still in the top trending. 

"Kim Dokja.." the man muttered as he read an article about the performance. 

Two large photos of Kim Dokja dressed in a casual outfit took up most of the article. The man lingered on the image. With his breakfast over he headed back to his room and sat down infront of his monitor which took up most of his desk. He sat down drinking a smoothie while scrolling on his phone. With his breakfast now finished he headed back to his bedroom and sat infront of his monitor which took up most of his desk. 

"Well I have nothing better to do." he thought grabbing a his headset. 

He clicked the "Start Stream" button and watched the viewers pour in. The chat started bursting with emojis and comments. 

"Hello everyone." he said with a curt nod. 

"Today I will play the usual." he opened up a shooter game his character quickly loaded in.

 A donation chimed in. "Who's your fav music artist?". 

Yoo Joonghyuk paused his eyebrows were slightly furrowed as he thought. Yoo Joonghyuk didn't listen to music much he found it to noisy and distracting. 

"Um probably Kim Dokja." he answered a little uncertain. 

The chat exploded with a sea of comments and emotes. 

"WHAT!!" was the most common message. 

Yoo Joonghyuk sighed mentally. "I listened to his music and I liked it." he said casually with a guarded tone.

 A donation for 5.00 popped up "Do you think hes good looking~" Yoo Joonghyuk felt a mixture of emotions as he read the message again. 

"Did he?" Yoo Joonghyuk wasn't sure what to say. 

"He isn't ugly." Yoo Joonghyuk muttered trying not to let any emotion seep into his words. 

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In his quiet confines of his bedroom he listened to Yoo Joonghyuk talk. A donation popped up reading "Whos your favorite music artist?" 

Yoo Joonghyuk looked like he was in deep thought. 

"Maybe its me." Kim Dokja joked to himself. 

"Um probably Kim Dokja." the man responded quietly.

 Kim Dokja felt his mouth hang open form astonishment. The words echoed through his mind as the chat entered chaos. Soon enough another message popped up. 

"Do you think hes good looking~" it asked. 

Yoo Joonghyuk was visibly shocked but it was only for a moment. Kim Dokja felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety as he waited for the streamers answer. 

"He isn't bad looking." the man said with a straight face. 

Kim Dokja didn't know how to feel. His favorite streamer liked him! "I've gotten so many compliments so why does this make me feel so.." Kim Dokja couldn't finish his thought. 

Kim Dokja felt his ego growing bigger as he watched the chat. "I listened to his music and I liked it." Yoo Joonghyuk admitted. 

Kim Dokja felt thrilled and flustered not only did his favorite streamer know him but he enjoyed his music! After that the stream went on like normal, Kim Dokja found himself enjoying it still happy about the previous events. 

He was brought up in the chat a couple time but it didn't catch the streamers attention. 

Kim Dokja had to return to work the next day. 

"Kim Dokja wake up!" Han Sooyoung yelled from his door. 

Kim Dokja jolted up sleep was heavy on his eyes while he got ready. Dressed in casual attire he went downstairs to greet Han Sooyoung who let herself in. 

"Woah Kim Dokja did you get any sleep?" she remarked. 

Kim Dokja rubbed his eyes "I stayed up a little." he said quietly.

 "Well go eat breakfast quickly and come out to the car." Han Sooyoung rushed him off and left towards the car parked outside. 

Kim Dokja nodded grabbing a energy bar and banana from the kitchen and headed towards the car. 

"Your schedule isn't to bad today just a quick interview and a meeting with your agency." Han Sooyoung informed starting the car.

 Kim Dokja breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't know if I could make it through the day if it was any more that that." He shook his head. 

He spent a good part of his night watching the streamers old videos. Letting out a large yawn he rested his head on the side of the car.

 "Why are you so tired today?" Han Sooyoung asked. 

"Have you heard of Yoo Joonghyuk?" he asked. 

Han Sooyoung raised an eyebrow. "Yeah he's pretty popular, but I don't watch him." she responded plainly. 

Kim Dokja felt a little disappointed that he couldn't share his new favorite thing. "I've been watching him alot lately." 

Kim Dokja said still happy about the last stream, a small smile forming on his face. 

Han Sooyoung look at him from the rearview mirror and rolled her eyes. "Alright then, try to get some sleep it will be atleast 15 minutes till we get there." 

Kim Dokja nodded "Gladly." he dozed off into a dreamless sleep. 

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this chapter was pretty fun to write please stay updated :D

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