𝟸𝟹| 𝐊𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬

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Thursday, October 23, 1997
8:25 am

"Y/n! I know you're in there! Wake your ass up!"

Your eyes shot open at the sound of two fists pounding against your dorm room door. A groan tore its way from your throat as the ceaseless pummeling pulled you from your dreamless state. Pushing the covers off, you slid out of bed to see what the big urgency was.

"Hallie, you're gonna wake my roommate." You spoke groggily after swinging the door open. "Why're you banging on my door so early?"

"Did you see the news?" She asked, easing her way inside the dorm. Your brows furrowed as you followed her to the TV, watching in confusion as she clicked it on.

"The two Windsor College seniors were murdered last night during the sneak preview of the new movie Stab. The police haven't released any new information except for the victims' names: Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens—"

"Randy and I, we were there last night..." You revealed, staring at the TV with wide eyes.

To think the murders happened while you were just down the street left you unsettled, especially after that freak encounter with that person in the bathrooms. Randy tried to brush it off by saying they were just fucking with you, but you weren't convinced. The murder of those two victims—who both attended the same college as you—only reinforced your fears.

It's happening again.

"Where's Sid?" You asked, turning to face Hallie—Sidney's roommate.

"She left to find Randy," Hallie replied, tuning out the reporter, who was still discussing the murders. "He's got Film Theory this morning."

"Alright, I'm gonna head down there." You said, rummaging through your closet to find a suitable hoodie before throwing it over your camisole. As you slid your shoes on, you noticed Hallie pondering in front of the television. "Hal? You okay?"

Her brows raised slightly as she looked at you. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You were zoning out a bit," you chuckled, moving to fix your hair in front of your vanity mirror.

"Yeah, well these sudden murders have me freaked... especially after what happened to you and Sid in Woodsboro." She expressed, quickly shutting the TV off.

Your stomach turned at the mention of your hometown, though, you hid your uneasiness with a smile as you headed toward the door.

"You better still be going to the martini mixer tonight at the Delta Lambda Zetas," Hallie said, reminding you of the invitation you previously received from the heads of the sorority. "Sid's trying to flake on me."

"That sounds about right," You remarked while opening the door for Hallie, following as she walked out. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she shows."

"Ugh, I love you." Hallie blew you a kiss, making you grin as you went your separate ways down the hall.

The minute you stepped outside the building, several news reporters bombarded you with questions about last night's murders.

"Y/n! Y/n! Did you know the victims?"

"Do you feel threatened by the murders? Please, we just need one statement."

"No comment." You answered as multiple mics and cameras were shoved in your face.

"Seeing as your brother was killed similarly, what can you tell us about the victims?"

Your chest constricted as you pushed past the reporters, leaving them to trail behind you until eventually, they gave up. You did not have the patience to deal with those people and their tactless questions today. And to think you thought Gale Weathers was bad...

After crossing campus, you made it to the art-media building where Randy's film theory class was held. You skipped a few steps leading up to the patio as you spotted Sidney and Randy heading in your direction.

"You are in extreme denial," Sidney stated, sounding very unhappy as you approached the two.

"And you should be too. This has nothing to do with us." Randy argued.

"Randy, a guy in a ghost mask hacked up two people in a movie theater telling our life story!" Sidney exclaimed, grabbing Randy's arm to stop him from walking any further.

"Coincidence?" He suggested with a shrug.

"No. Not a coincidence." You declared, butting in on their little quarrel. "Randy, you were there when that person attacked me in the bathroom at the theatre. That was definitely not a coincidence."

"Yeah, but I didn't exactly see them now, did I?" He said, blatantly ignoring the facts.

"You were attacked?" Sid frowned at this new information. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't wanna worry you. I'm sorry, Sid." You apologized sheepishly. Sidney released a heavy sigh while brushing a hand through her dark brown hair.

"You both know what happened at Woodsboro. You can't ignore it, especially you Randy." Sid's voice came out softer as she turned to face him.

"I know, Sid, but I don't want to go back there again." He said, mirroring her gentle tone. "Can't we just go back to our pseudo-quasi-happy existence?"

You quirked a brow after noticing the prolonged eye contact they shared, however, the intimacy of the moment was ruined when Sidney's boyfriend, Derek, approached the three of you with a hint of urgency.

"Hello, Derek. How ya doin'?" The slight annoyance in Randy's tone didn't go unnoticed by you.

"Hey, Sid." Derek greeted his girlfriend with a quick peck on the lips before acknowledging you with a nod, one you returned.

Randy rolled his eyes as Derek placed a hand on Sidney's back as they continued ahead. "I've been looking everywhere. I heard. You weren't in class."

"Yeah, I know. I skipped." Sidney said whilst you and Randy trailed behind them. "I couldn't take all the "that's her" looks."

Derek sighed a bit dramatically, "Is there anything I can do?"

You stifled a laugh, smacking Randy's arm as he silently mimicked Derek's question.

"Well, you got any tricks for getting me back to a pseudo-quasi-happy existence?" Sidney asked, glancing back at Randy as she referenced his own words.

"You know, I might just have one for that." Derek voiced, grabbing Sidney's hand as the four of you reached the end of the patio.

"Oh, yeah? What is it?" Randy questioned with genuine curiosity before Derek abruptly leaned in to kiss his Sidney.

Randy scoffed as he watched Sid make-out with her boyfriend. You could only give him a sympathetic smile as the two finally broke apart.

"That was pretty good." Sidney beamed as they walked off together.

"Get a room," Randy muttered.

"Y'know, that could've been you if you weren't too chicken." You teased, finding amusement in your friend's jealousy.

You snickered as Randy bumped your shoulder with his before thrusting his hands into his pockets. "Kick rocks, why don't ya?"

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