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This morning I got awoken up by my alarm clock I was doing a day in the life +grwm video but I got up  grabbed the camera and did what ever the YouTube's be doing after I brushed my teeth and washed my face and ft paisley 

Paisley:I don't wanna go to school
Hayden:me either
Paisley:I'm gonna cry
Hayden:bruh I'm scared
Paisley:right we gonna have to see new people and everything
Hayden:omg fr
Paisley:but I know for sure there better be some fine ass niggas there this year
Paisley:but anyways lemme call you later bye mh
Hayden:Ight bye

I continued the grwm and started doing my makeup I didn't do a lot but it came out good after I did my hair and did my edges
(This is what I mean):

I continued the grwm and started doing my makeup I didn't do a lot but it came out good after I did my hair and did my edges  (This is what I mean):

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Once I was done i grabbed the camera and went down stairs and said bye to my dad and mom and left I went to my car and got In and put some music on and went to get paisley she was waiting for me in her driveway she then got in we drove to Dunkin' ...

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Once I was done i grabbed the camera and went down stairs and said bye to my dad and mom and left I went to my car and got In and put some music on and went to get paisley she was waiting for me in her driveway she then got in we drove to Dunkin' Donuts and got a breakfast sandwich and and drink after we ate we went to school.

We arrived early but not so early I went to the front office to get my schedule bc I didn't get it in the mail I looked at my schedule and went to go find my 1st class
I then arrived at chemistry I sat by this random girl in class she was pretty and i think she's new here cause I didn't see her in 11th ima get to know her a lil
Hayden:hey I'm Hayden nice to meet you
?:hey I'm ahiella nice to meet you to you really pretty
Hayden:aww thank you your gorgeous yourself
Ahiella:thank you
This one boy came up to us and started talking to ahiella
?:Yoo Ella
Ahiella:go away mike
Mike:bruh I didn't even get to say anything
Ahiella:i don't give a fuck
Mike:who are you talking to
Ahiella:you,leave me alone
Mike :oh I see you tryna act tuff in front of ya friend
Ahiella:no I just want you to leave me alone
Mike:Ight bye
Class was over and me and ahiella was walking in the hall when Mike I believe his name was and this other dude
Ahiella:omg what do y'all want
Mike:stop playing
Hayden:why are you even bothering her
Mike:I don't even know you so shut up
Hayden:who are you talking like I won't smack the shit outta you stop playing with me pussy
Mike:bitch we can get it on
Hayden:nigga eat my left nut ion got time for you bitch your my entertainment goofy
Me and ahiella walked away
Hayden:so dose he bother you every day
Ahiella:that's my ex and we hate each other
Hayden:i don't think he hates you if he's always bothering you he probably still likes you
Ahiella:nah he does that to everyone he dated
Hayden:damn he's weird
Ahiella:and the thing is I still like him
Hayden:I feel you bruh
Ahiella:right but ima see you later at lunch bye hayden
Hayden:Ight bye ahiella
I went to my next class with paisley and sat next to her
Hayden:hey pais
Paisley:oh my bad I had my air pods in
Hayden:oh Ight but anyways what are we supposed to be doing
Paisley:ion know what we supposed to do
I raised my hand and waited for him to call on me
Teacher:yes ma'am
Hayden:what are we supposed to do
Teacher:page 38 in your text book
Hayden:oh okay thank you
I opened my text book to that page and followed along until I felt tapping on me I see paisley tapping me and asking me something
Paisley:so I heard there was a pool party and I wanna know if you wanna go with me
Hayden:sure who's throwing it
Paisley:this boy named Derek
Hayden:Ight I be there I just gotta know the time
Paisley:6:45 till 10:40
Hayden:Ight ima ask my mom
The class kept going and I payed attention then had left
Right now we had lunch me and paisley went to the cafeteria and sat in our regular spot then mike and his friend came over to us
I looked at paisley like bitch wtf then at mike and rolled my eyes they sat down
Paisley:hey Mike hi I forgot your name sorry
?:its vallyk
Paisley:oh but anyways this is my best friend hayden idk if yall met already
Hayden:we did
paisley:ummm anywaysss
Mike:are you going to that party
Hayden:your going
Mike:um yes why
Hayden:nun nvm
Mike:oh Ight
Paisley:so we're all gonna come to my house right before the party
Lunch was over we got our stuff and went home I arrived home and put on a black 2 piece and went to paisley's house
I got there and said hi to my 2nd mommy and went up to paisley's room
Paisley:damn bitch you scared me
Hayden:ik anyways you look cute
Paisley:thank you I can't wait to see Mike
Paisley:you don't like him
Hayden:no he's rude
Paisley:if he's rude to you I can tell him to stop
Hayden:no he's not rude to me he's rude to his ex gf that he clearly still likes
Paisley:well idc about her only thing I care about is if she comes and messes up me and mikes relationship I'm beating her ass
Paisley:you should get with vallyk
Hayden:bruh he's fine asf ngl I'll let him hit
Paisley:oop I might let mike get sum
Hayden:fr whennn
Paisley:today maybe
Hayden:I see you
We leave and got in the car and drove to the address and park somewhere and went In side
Hayden:ouuu this house pretty asf
Paisley:right anyways ima go look for my man
Hayden:Ight ima come with you
We went in the backyard and found Ahiella and mike kissing
Paisley was to stunned to speak so she just ran out crying mike cased after her I was just stuck there not knowing what to do our say then it hit me he was kissing ahiella I left and went to find her and mike arguing and holding on to her
Paisley:mike let me go
Mike:I'm sorry paisley
Paisley:clearly your not if your kissing some random girl and you know we're talking
Mike:ik im sorry ik  I only want you I promise
Mike kissed her I went back in the house and looked for vallyk
I saw him sitting on a chair I went up to him and grabbed him and told him we have go
Vallyk:um Hayden I don't actually think I wanna see mike rn I just wanna spend time with you
Vallyk:yea i mean I like you
Hayden:i like you to
Vallyk:so you trying to be my girl
Hayden:sure but can we take things slow
Vallyk:ofc anything to make you happy
I smiled and he brought me to his house
We got in his room he put his led lights on purple and me and him layed in his bed vallyk was laying on his stomach and l put my head on his back and watched TikTok then I fell asleep on him
2hours later i woke up with Vallyk shaking me
Vallyk:Hayden....hayden wake up I got to take you home
Hayden:nooo I wanna be with you
Vallyk:ik but we got school in the morning and it's already 4:00
I got up and stretched then we left
Once i got home I went to my room and changed my clothes and went to sleep

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