𝟹𝟶| 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Stu hadn't gotten the chance to explain this plan he so graciously schemed up as you were still expected at the theatre. Instead, you told him to stay hidden until Sidney's rehearsals were over and then you'd meet him near the dorms to talk.

However, you didn't expect practice to be cut short when Sidney freaked out on stage and took off. No one knew why she reacted in such a way, but you had an inkling. She'd seen someone in a ghostface mask dressed up as one of the chorus elders, taunting her on stage. You wanted to go after her, but Derek had gotten to her first, and you decided it was best to leave them be, already knowing where that conversation was headed.

After you'd said goodbye to Hallie, you quickly made your way to the dorms to find Stu. You were currently walking around the building, trying your best to not look suspicious when a hand suddenly grabbed your wrist, making you jump.

"Looking for me?" Stu asked as you turned to face him.

"Jesus, you scared me." You sighed in relief seeing that it was just him.

"Why so jumpy?" He frowned as he released your wrist.

"Well, other than the fact that there's a killer out to get me... some guy was wearing a ghostface mask during rehearsals. He scared the shit out of Sid." You released an exasperated huff, leaning against the brick wall behind you. "Stu, you have to explain this plan in full before I agree to it. I need to know what I'm getting myself into."

Your eyes doubled in size as you glanced to your right, spotting a police vehicle patrolling through the streets. After the recent death on campus, the sheriff's department had assigned a couple of officers to keep an eye out for any suspicious persons. And since Stu is quite literally wanted by the police, you knew that wasn't good.

"Hey, I wouldn't ask you to do this if I th—"

Stu grunted as you grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him forward at an angle to keep his face hidden. He quickly caught himself before toppling against you, placing a hand on the wall beside your head.

"Don't look," You muttered in his ear. "Cops driving by."

You tried to ignore the feeling of Stu's breath fanning against your neck as you kept watch of the car. Every second felt impossibly long and dragged out until the vehicle was no longer in your line of vision.

"Okay, they're gone." You whispered, feeling your heart relax.

You expected Stu to move back as you turned your head to look at him but he hadn't. His face was so close to yours that one wrong move could destroy the distance. Your stomach did somersaults as you swallowed, chalking it up to just nerves.


Your voice came out strong and clear, drawing his attention from your lips up to your eyes.

"Maybe we should talk somewhere more private." He suggested, his tone barely above a whisper.

"That's a great idea." You nodded.

You needed to escape this oddly intimate position before you began to feel things you shouldn't be feeling.

"Keep your head low," You told him as you grabbed his hand, leading him towards the dorm's entrance. He did as you said, avoiding any eye contact with people as you swiftly walked him up the stairs and down the corridor.

It took no time to unlock the door to your dorm as you dragged Stu inside, though, you paused after spotting your roommate on the couch doing homework.

"Well, this is unexpected." Alice said, looking up from her notebook. She lifted a suggestive brow as her gaze hovered a bit longer on Stu. "Back for seconds, I see."

Tear You Apart || Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now