Shopping Day (Part 2)

Liam POV

Today, there is no college...Yes, today is Sunday and me, Henry and mom are going to go to the mall to buy best man suit and my wedding suit, BUT in the evening...

'WEDDING' is a big responsibility..... It ain't a normal word, it has many struggles behind it..

People fight for their love and here I am.......the one I mostly and dearly loved left me shattering my heart......

I don't know, if someone could heal that, but there is no choice left to marry that person, who I barely know.........


"Leo!! Come on!!!Let's go to the mall!!" Mom shouted.

"Yes, mom!"

"On our way, we will pick Henry up..." mom said.


We then went to Henry's house to pick him up and then went to the mall..

We entered....

"Good evening, Ma'am and Sirs!" The employee greeted.

"Good evening!" Mom replied, Henry gave a smile and I looked with my famous poker face..

"Could you show us the wedding suit section?"

"Of course!"

Then we went to that section and mom called Henry to try on some suits..

He went in and came out wearing:

He went in and came out wearing:

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"What do you think Henry?"

"'s too browny..."

"It's called 'Golden Brown' silly!" I teased.

He glared at me...

He again went in and came out wearing:

He again went in and came out wearing:

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"Umm....again, it's too greyeyyyy..."

"Stupid! It's called Ash grey colour!" I teased again..

"Oh god! Shut up, u both!!" Mom shouted.

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