Day of the graduation and marriage...

Amelia POV

My alarm went on as I groaned and woke up...TODAY, is my graduation as well as my...


I am excited for my graduation but nervous for this marriage...

"Leo!! It's my graduation day!! Come on, wake up!!" I shouted.

"Yeah..sis...I know..."

"Who do you think will come first?" I asked kinda nervous.

"Don't worry sis...I hope it's you.."

" let's go!" I said excited.

"Amelia!! Leo!! Come on, let's go to Amy's graduation day!!" Dad shouted.

"Yes, dad!"

We did our morning routine, ate our breakfast and went to school.

We got out of the car and I saw Iris waving at me.

I immediately went to her and hugged her.

"Amy!! Today we are going to graduate!! OH MY GOD!!" Iris squealed.

"I know right!!" I said in the same excited tone.

We all settled and the host spoke.

"Good morning, ladies, gentlemen and my dear graduands. Today we are gathered here to celebrate our students' graduation day!"

We all clapped.

"Graduation day is the culmination of all the time, energy, and work that you have put into gaining your qualification, and it gives you a great chance to celebrate all that you have achieved. Without it, finishing your qualification doesn't have that one big defining moment to remember for years to come; you can hand in your last assignment or put down your pen after finishing your last exam, but it just doesn't have that same excitement surrounding it." The host spoke.

"Graduating is not something that you get to do every day. It isn't even something that everybody gets to do in their lifetimes. It is a really special event. It allows you to brush away the stress of years of hard work and that lingering feeling that you forgotten to do something, and celebrate with the people who have been on this journey with you." he added.

"This may be something a little sad to hear, but, after graduation, people move on to new things, whether that be new jobs or education. People promise to stay in touch, but life can get in the way, and you definitely won't be seeing them like in class every day. This is a moment dedicated to celebrating with the people who have been on this journey with you, reminiscing about all the amazing memories you have made, before wishing each other luck for the future." he continued.

"So, without further I do, I would like to call all the graduands on the stage to wear their deserved cap and the gown!" 

As everyone clapped, me and Iris went towards the stage.

I watched as Liam and Henry were also getting their cap and their gown and even with that, Liam looked SO handsome!

"Done staring?" Iris asked teasingly and I blushed.

I was the last in line as I watched Iris wearing her cap and gown. I was so proud of her!

As our respected principal came to me, she stopped. 

I looked confused.

The host then spoke, 

"Now, it's the time for congratulating this specific student for her remarkable achievements, her sincereness in studies and for her all-rounder spirits. I would like to request our respected principal to help KIM AMELIA wear her gown and her cap!! Kim Amelia is the top student of this college and she graduated, coming in the first place!!"

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