Chapter 12: Charles Douner

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Author's Note/Trigger Warning ⚠️: Mentioned murder, Charles has way too much sugar, maybe flirting, depends on how you interpret it.

Today was Saturday. Which meant it was finally time to meet Detective Baranov. It was a nice day out despite it being autumn so naturally Charles decided to walk, you know, get some fresh air before it became too cold.

He'd put Seymour (who was still very much grounded) in charge of watching his younger siblings so they didn't get into a fight and rip up the house. It turns out while twins are always close with each other and will always be there for each other and know each other best they also can easily get on each other's nerves. Who would've thought?

In all honesty fall was always his favorite season. It was something about the way the leaves turned into a beautiful array of red, orange, yellow and brown, like a painting, the way they would slowly fall to the ground around you like some sort of fantasy, the way the grass would freeze in the morning, adding a little sparkle effect, the way it was just cold enough to wear a heavier jacket (not quite a winter coat), scarf and light gloves and not have to go through the hassle of putting on and taking off multiple layers of clothing and having to waddle around like you would in winter.

And there was, of course, the added bonus that both his favorite holiday, thanksgiving, and his deceased wife's birthday (November 8th, 1985 he physically couldn't forget) both fell in the season of fall.

He stopped walking, feeling a sharp throb (it felt more like a stab, a pang) in his chest, right where his heart was, at the thought of his late wife. He missed her. There was never a day where he didn't miss his beloved wife, but whenever he thought about her, whether intentional or not, the pain in heart would flare up tenfold.

He shook his head, it's not like he could change the past. What's done is done, now all he could do is push forward.

He finally made it to the coffee shop and saw through the large windows the detective sitting at a small table and, with a quick breath to collect himself before stepping in and making his way to the detective.

"Hello Detective." Charles said, keeping his voice in that practiced, smooth and gentle tone that he'd used to put people at ease and keep them none the wiser of his... violent tendencies and had managed to perfect over years of use.

"Please, this isn't a formal meeting so you can just call me Nikolai." Nikolai responded, standing up briefly to shake hands with Charles in greeting.

Charles merely smiled and sat down.

Once they had both ordered their drinks Charles spoke first. "So, I finally have the honor of meeting the esteemed Detective Nikolai Baranov. The town talks quite a bit about you, you know, small town and all. But my daughter seems to find you the quieter type. Tell me, is that true?

"You don't need to flatter me Charles, and your daughter, Isabella is the name if I'm not mistaken, is quite the astute girl if that truly is the conclusion she drew upon first meeting me." Were the words that came from Nikolai's lips in a deep baritone voice.

Charles didn't think Nikolai's voice would be that deep but then again he didn't really know what exactly he was expecting. They had just started and already Nikolai was different. Charles couldn't read him easily like he could other people, he was like a puzzle to him. And for some reason that excited him. He wanted to see if he could figure out how the seemingly distant detective worked and how he could get him off his trail and not suspect him so he could be free to continue protecting his family.

Which was weird because normally Charles didn't like puzzles. They took too long to do and he wasn't usually the type to meticulously analyze and think of what his next move would be, preferring to act in the moment. It's why he wasn't the biggest chess or checkers fan.

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