Chap 1

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Note: With all the speculation going on who could return for the tribute episode in Season 21, I figured I'd ring in with my own speculation, and in the process, attempt to answer 1 of NCIS LA's biggest unanswered questions in my own way. Enjoy!

After hearing the tragic news of Ducky passing, preparations were underway for the funeral. The plan was for the 1st service to be held in DC, and then for his body to be transported to Scotland.

Vance was trying to catch a break from the planning when he got a call from a Senator at the Hill.

'With all due respect, Senator. I have a funeral to help plan, and I don't need any drama from Congress right now!'

'We're having a hearing to get to the bottom of a very classified mission that took place in Syria for the span of these last 2 years, and the person who undertook the mission isn't being cooperative.' The Senator replied.

'Who is it?'

'Henrietta Lange.'

Vance stalled for a moment to be sure he heard the name right.

2 years ago, Hetty went back to Syria after suppossidly completing a long hostage negotiation, and there had been virtually no sign of her in the last 2 years until Callen and Sam went looking for her. And the last he heard, she had been safely brought home and was recovering.

'Miss Lange has only been home for a few weeks, Senator. Are you sure it's a good time to question her on a long classified mission?' He asked.

'Things happened out there that we want to know about, and she is no doubt looking to return to her position as Operations Manager soon. We just want to make sure she didn't engage in any traitorous acts against America in the process.' The Senator replied. 'I can tell you where she's staying.'

That night, Vance went to see her. She was trying to relax in front of the fireplace with her tea.

'Being uncooperative with nosy politicians. Nice to see some things don't change.' Vance remarked.

Hetty cracked a smile. 'Well, it's nice to know some part of me has remained intact after these last 2 years. I'd offer you Scotch, but my security detail won't let me have any for 'fear of me getting drunk', they say.'

Snickers. 'A Senator told me that all they want to know from you is if you became a traitor to this country.'

'Ha! If that was really the case, then they would've asked me hard questions after what happened in Vietnam instead of just sending me a briefcase full of cash! No, they just want to know intimate details of the mission that I'm not up to discussing.'

'Things that you'd rather forget about then remember? I've been there before.' Vance asked.

'Correct. Things happened out there that, I don't want to go into detail of. And those politicians don't care about how I was affected, they just care about covering their own asses.' Hetty replied with a serious face.

'You always know how to tell it like it is, Hetty.'

'You know it! And, why are you really here, Leon?'

'To see how you're doing. And I thought that maybe I can get you out of the hearing if you tell me what happened out there so I can vouch for you.' Vance suggested.

'Mmm. Sounds reasonable. Okay, here's what happened: The hostage negotiation didn't go so smoothly. I went back to Syria to try and fix things, only to find myself trying to keep a lot of bad stuff from happening at once. It was hard to get any kind of word back home, and I was constantly having to watch my back because of all the enemies I made. I was for a time, carrying the world on my shoulders, or at least it felt like it. Eventually, I had to flee to safety, and I took shelter in Morocco. And my team found me and brought me home. I swear on my life to you, I committed no treason against the United States.' Hetty said in full.

Vance was convinced. As he got up to leave, he asked Hetty if she would consider coming to Ducky's funeral.

'I'll consider. And thank you Leon, for being a good friend.' She said.

'My pleasure. And (pointing at the cane sitting beside her.), Not sure why you have to use that, but take care of your leg, okay?' Vance replied.

'Will do.'

Hetty was relieved that she didn't have to lie and say that she hurt her leg by tripping and falling on it weird. Because the truth behind it involved some very awful people and some intimidation tactics, and she shuddered at possibly having to get into it.

After thinking it over for a night, Hetty decided to go to the funeral. And in the process, surprised everyone by showing up in a limo and saying a few words about how much Ducky meant to her. And she did so in a way that caused everyone to give her a standing ovation when she was done talking.

When it was over, she was on her way back to the limo when she saw Parker and went to talk to him.

'Ah, Mr. Parker! Nice to see you.' Hetty said eagerly.

'Nice to see you're still alive after being MIA for so long.' Parker replied.

'Thank you. And if I recall correctly, you still owe me money for that incident in Monaco.'

Parker got uncomfortable at the mention. 'Uh, yeah. About that, I'm still gathering the funds, and I might have them to you very soon...'

'Stop. I'm tired of all your excuses. You have had ample time to pay me off, and I know you have the funds. I would advise you to quit dilly dallying and pay up!'

Groan. 'Fine. I'll write you a check once I go home and get my check book.' Parker grumbled.

'Good. Oh, and I will say this: As distorted as my voice sounds with a voice changer, I do not sound like a witch at all.' Hetty finished.

'How did she know that... Ugh, Callen!' Parker muttered.

Congress wasn't too thrilled about Hetty 'once again getting to do whatever she wanted and seemingly wanted to cover up whatever evil deeds she might have done overseas', but Vance made it perfectly clear that she did not commit treason and that she was not up to answering any more questions about the mission.

And besides, she was already on a plane ride back to LA before they could even think to intervene anyways.

Endnotes: I really wish we could've gotten a scene between Ducky and Hetty. It would've been so cool.

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