1. The Girl, Y/n

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As Killer was walking to the grocery store lost in his thoughts, he accidentally bumped into someone. When he looked down, he saw a girl with long white hair and golden eyes. "I'm so sorry," he said, feeling embarrassed.

The girl smiled, putting him at ease. "It's okay," she replied.

Killer was taken aback by the girl's unique appearance. "Wow, you're stunning," he said, unable to hide his admiration.

The girl smiled, her golden eyes twinkling. "Thank you," she replied. "Are you headed to the store too?" Killer nodded, and they walked together. Before they knew it, they were at the store. As they parted ways, Killer couldn't help but think about the girl with the long white hair and golden eyes.

Killer couldn't believe his luck. The girl with the long white hair and golden eyes was checking out at the same time as him. As they walked out of the store, he noticed that she was going the same way as him. "Do you live around here?" he asked.

The girl nodded. "Yeah, I live a few blocks away." They walked together, enjoying each other's company. When they reached the apartment building they entered and headed to the third floor.

As they reached Killer's apartment building he told her that that's his door and she continues to walk, she turned to him and said, "By the way, my name is Y/n. It was great to meet you."

Killer smiled, feeling relieved that he finally knew her name. "It was great to meet you too, Y/n," he replied.

"We should hang out sometime." Y/n smiled, her golden eyes twinkling.

"I'd like that," he said.

"I actually live just a few doors down from you, so it'll be easy to meet up." Killer's heart skipped a beat.

"That sounds perfect," he said, feeling a sense of excitement. As Y/n turned to leave, Killer couldn't help but feel that this chance encounter was meant to be. He watched her walk away, feeling a tingle in his stomach. Before she left his sight he yelled his name. "I'm Killer by the way."

She looked at back and laughed at him. He was waving his arm around. "Hey Killer?"


"You don't have to wave me, we're the only ones in the hallway" She giggled and enter her place. Lucky for Killer she couldn't see the major blush on his face.

'Y/n' Killer thought as he walked into his place, closing the door after him.

"New girlfriend? Or a hoe?" A voice said snacking on some chips.

"No. Not even friends, I just meet her today. Ran in to her on my way to the grocery store and- wait a minute, hold on." Killer looked around and saw Kidd on his crouch eating chips. "Kidd?"

"Sup'." He snacked again. "The rest should be here and pizza. What type of movies do you have?."

Killer face palm. "Kidd what are you doing here? And the rest? There not coming here, neither should you. I'm tried and need some rest. And unlike you I have a job."

"Okay, Mister I have a better job now so I'm perfect. Jeez I just wanted to have some type of fun. Haven't seen you in forever!" He snapped.

"Kidd I didn't mean-."

Ding Dong

"Well then it seems like they're here. Too late to go now." Kidd opened the door to reveal Wire and Heat who was holding seven boxes of pizza. "Look who just arrived just in time."

They walked in and made themselves at home like they does any other time they come uninvited. Killer sighed as he knew there's no escape from this. Killer joined them and sat on the rocking chair since they took over the couch.

"So, Killer, how ya been lately? It's been a while since we last saw you." Heat chimed.

"I've been great. Though I do get a little lonely sometimes without you guys been with me." He smiled.

"What about your girlfriend? Doesn't she comes over?" Kidd blurted out.

"Girlfriend?" Wire spoke.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend Killer. Congratulations! What is she like?" Heat asked.

"She's not my girlfriend and Kidd shut up about her. We're not even friends" That all look at Killer. "What? We just met like two minutes ago"

"Nothing." They all said.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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