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It's not like all my life was blue,

But really when I'm with you,

You tear me down, break me apart,

And I then wish to depart.

It's not like a story of a little girl,

Who had her hands and feet at the whole world

It's not okay for you to judge

And just go plunge

Into a story that was not yours to tell

It's not like I meant it as a dream

But your interpretation made me wanna scream

You turned what I said, into something else

Something that was just.....not.....true

It was never your right to play judge and jury

To decide what was wrong, what was right?

And all the kindness that I tried so hard to exhibit

Was received with negative before I could even begin it

You tore my self confidence

Made me put on a face of joy and neutralism

But inside I was confused

To what I did. What I said,

And I always wondered

What I ever did to you.

I look back and I try to see the perspective you thought of me

Self-centered, like the world revolved around me

But it was never your place to misjudge

But to understand

Look at things from my perspective

I get it, people are different

Personalities clash

But it's just to understand one another

Not to turn ones feelings to ash

No one's life is perfect, which is something you should know

Some people don't get the opportunity to show

But it's no one's place to be confused

In a personal matter that just doesn't concern you

I still wonder what you thought

To produce such a hatred

A feeling of repulsion

To someone you didn't even know

People like you don't understand

What it's like to feel neglected, rejected

By people that you hoped would maybe not despise you

But you perfected, that.....one......thing

But if you do understand then why?

Why would you do that to another person?

Why would you be the cause of pain?

When you've been through the very same

Just............... why?

Maybe you don't understand what you did to me,

Because the roles weren't switched

Because honestly you made me suffer.

Time and time again I would question,

What I ever did to you

And you know what

What hurts the most is not even what you did

It was the laughable apology

And how you talk and laugh like it was just some joke

Like you were trying to provoke

But it wasn't funny

I'm still confused to why

But expecting answers would be like fishing in the sky

But all I ever wanted 

Was just a heartfelt apology

Not for you to make it a mockery

Because it meant a lot to me

Which is something you clearly do not see

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