𝟹𝟷| 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐮𝐲, 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲

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Randy treaded down the steps that lead to the dorm's entrance, still reeling from what he had walked in on. He didn't know what to think as he could barely even grasp the situation, but he did worry for your safety.

Even if Stu was here to help, he was still a psychopath. And if Stu was here, that meant Billy possibly was too.

The anxiousness Randy felt after agreeing to keep Stu a secret kicked in immediately upon seeing Dewey. The deputy sat on the round concrete bench underneath a tree with Gale and her cameraman.

Dewey waved Randy over, looking slightly confused when he came alone. "Where's Y/n?" He asked.

"She got uh... held up," Randy lied while sitting beside him. He had to keep reminding himself that no one else knew. "She'll be down soon."

"All right. Let's just assume the killer is repeating Woodsboro—" Gale started only for her phone to interrupt.

"Yes?" She answered.

"I have Bob calling."

"I'll have to call you back." Gale stated unconcerned, and hung up.

"That doesn't explain Sidney and Y/n getting attacked. They weren't killed in Woodsboro." Dewey said, proceeding with the topic of discussion.

"Wasn't for a lack of trying," Randy added. "The killer's trying to finish what was started."

"Well, they're–" Gale couldn't even finish her sentence before her phone started ringing again.

"What?" She answered more aggressively this time.

"Bob really needs to talk to you–"

"Tell Bob I'll call him back." Gale demanded, slamming her flip phone shut. She took a drag of her cigarette before continuing, "Anyways, you guys are forgetting something. In Woodsboro, there were more victims before the homestretch. Tatum, my cameraman, Himbry–"

"Time out!" Gale's new cameraman, Joel, interjected after being silent the whole time. "See, I don't need to be hearing about no dead cameraman, alright?"

"Now, I'm warning you guys. I'm a verb away from vacatin' these premises. I'm gonna get some coffee, donuts, Prozac, see if I can find some crack, Special K— "X" not Malcolm," he ranted while rising from the bench. "And I'll be back when you guys start talking about something a little more Saved By The Bell-ish, alright?"

The three watched as he headed in the opposite direction before Dewey spoke up, "He seems a little shaky."

"Don't worry about him." Gale quickly shrugged it off. "If the killer is following a pattern, then maybe we can figure out who's next."

"I wouldn't follow a killer's pattern. We were all involved in Woodsboro. Could be any one of us." Dewey countered.

"Okay, so what do you want to do, bonehead? Sit here and wait and see who drops next?" Gale questioned in an uptight tone when her phone suddenly rang once more.

"Well, I don't know, phonehead." Dewey replied sassily.

Randy had silently allowed his irritation to build until he couldn't take it anymore. Snatching Gale's phone, he answered for her.

"Gale's not here!"

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I? You three seem to be in deep thought." Randy's expression fell as he listened to the eerie voice. "Have you ever felt a knife cut through human flesh and scrap the bone beneath?"

Randy slowly looked to Gale as he placed his hand over the speaker, "It's him." He whispered.

"Who?" Dewey asked.

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