𝟹𝟸| 𝐍𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲

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"It shouldn't have been Randy. It should have been me." Sidney muttered, blinking the tears from her red-tinged eyes. The two of you sat in the waiting area at the hospital with no news of Randy's current condition.

When you had ridden in the ambulance with him, the EMTs were doing everything they could to keep him alive but his state was already so critical. Randy was transferred to the ER immediately upon arrival, swept away by several doctors and nurses after someone called a trauma code.

You were forced to wait alone when Dewey left to fetch Sidney from the police station. She had been taken there by the two bodyguards assigned to protect her after Cotton Weary had attacked her in the school's library. He was supposedly fame-seeking and became angry when Sidney declined his request to be on PrimeTime TV.

You don't really remember the rest. But it had been two hours since Dewey returned to the hospital with Sid, and you still had no idea if Randy was going to even make it.

"Come on, Sid. Don't say that." You said, turning to face her as she fought to keep her tears at bay.

"But it's true," she sniffed, looking down at her lap. "I mean, Randy wouldn't even be here if it weren't for his connection to me. And Tatum, Casey, your brother— they were all killed because of Billy's vendetta against my mother."

"It's not your fault, Sid. It wasn't back then and it isn't now." You spoke firmly as you grabbed her hand. "Billy made his choice when he decided to become a cold-blooded killer. I would never blame you for what happened in Woodsboro, and Randy wouldn't either."

You squeezed her hand comfortingly, and she looked at you, her expression displaying gratitude as she nodded.

"Guys," Dewey called while standing. An older man with a clipboard had exited the surgical hall, gaze landing on Dewey as the deputy approached him. You and Sid remained seated, expectantly waiting as the doctor spoke to Dewey about Randy's condition.

You scooted to the edge of your seat, watching closely for any negative reactions as your foot tapped against the floor anxiously. Dewey patted the doctor on the shoulder, thanking him before facing you and Sid again.

"What'd he say? Is Randy okay? Is he alive?" Your words came out rushed as the doctor turned back the way he came, leaving the three of you alone in the waiting room.

"Randy... he had already lost a lot of blood before receiving help... the doctor said he flatlined during surgery," Dewey explained slowly, and you felt like the world came to a sudden stop as your heart fell into a pit of despair. "But they were able to resuscitate him and stabilize his vitals. The surgery was successful, though he'll still need to be monitored closely. And he'll need a bit to heal before having visitors."

You exhaled a long deep breath of relief after hearing the good news. Randy was still alive. He was okay, and that's all that mattered.

"I should call his mother. His family needs to know what happened," Sidney said as Dewey sat back down in the chair next to her.

"I already made that phone call," he informed. "His parents and sister are gonna fly down tonight. They should be here tomorrow morning."

You couldn't imagine how Randy's mother felt after being told her son was attacked and nearly stabbed to death. The fact that his family couldn't even see him right now due to him living across the country was probably the most gut-wrenching feeling.

"And Y/n, I think now's a better time than any to have those bodyguards assigned to you. I don't think it's safe to wait any longer." Dewey said, regaining your attention.

You had been putting it off all day as you just didn't want any. Plus, you knew you'd be unable to enact Stu's plan tonight with two bodyguards actively watching you, being paid to keep you safe. Especially when the plan literally calls for you to put yourself in danger.

"Dewey, I'm not too comfortable with having any guards... even if it is for my safety." You disclosed, which wasn't a complete lie. While glancing at Sid's bodyguards lingering across the room, you knew you already had enough eyes on you. "I'd feel better by just locking myself in my dorm until tomorrow."

"That's a bit risky, don't you think?" He asked, slightly concerned by your refusal.

"Yeah, Y/n, this is your life we're talking about. You need protection." Sidney said in agreement with Dewey.

If only you could just explain to them that you were already being protected by Stu and Billy—whether you liked it or not—and adding more on top of that would just make things complicated.

"I swear, I'll reconsider it tomorrow... it's just after what happened, I really need to be alone tonight." You explained in hopes it would satiate their worries without sounding too suspicious.

Luckily, they were given no time to argue when the rest of your friend group had arrived at the hospital. Hallie burst into the waiting room with Derek and Mickey following right behind.

"Sid, Y/n, we just heard about–" Hallie rushed over frantically, observing your expressions. "Is he okay? Please say he's okay."

"Yes, Randy's okay. It was close, but he's gonna be fine." Sidney assured as her roommate pulled her into a comforting hug.

"Have you spoken to him yet?" Mickey asked while sitting down next to you.

"Not yet, he just got out of surgery so it'll be a while before he wakes up." You answered when a sudden yawn tore from your throat.

"Jesus, Y/n, when's the last time you slept? You look like shit." Mickey commented, finally noticing the bags under your eyes. You were so exhausted that you couldn't even be offended.

"Yesterday," You said with a laugh. "And thanks, you're so sweet."

"Come on, I just meant you look like you could use some rest. Really." Mickey angled his head with a smile that mimicked yours.

"I can take you guys back to your dorms," Derek offered, though he sounded a little hesitant while looking at Sid. "Hallie and Mickey can stay here in case Randy wakes up."

"Yeah, we don't mind waiting. Right, Mickey?" Hallie asked which pulled his attention from you to her. They shared an odd look, one you couldn't decipher as Mickey nodded. "Yeah, we can wait." He said.

"Oh uh, a-alright, I guess we could head back now. Thanks." Sidney gave Derek a small smile that seemed slightly awkward, making you wonder what they talked about after Sid's rehearsals earlier.

You thought they might've broken up due to Sidney's paranoia of not knowing who the killer could be. But as you spotted Derek's shiny Greek letters hanging from Sid's neck, it confirmed there were still sparks shooting between the two.

"I'll stay here with them. I wanna keep an eye out in case this killer, you know, tries to finish Randy off." Dewey spoke cautiously while looking between you and Sid. "You girls go home and sleep off today. Tomorrow might be crazier."

As you listened to his words, you knew you wouldn't be getting any rest upon the return to your dorm. Tonight you were going to catch this fucking killer, and after what they did to Randy... you wanted Stu to kill them. No more mercy.

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