𝟹𝟹| 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐀 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞?

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When you arrived at your dorm after leaving the hospital with Derek and Sid, you made a swift wardrobe change as your top had been tainted with Randy's blood. The sight was nauseating but you held yourself together as you cleaned yourself off. You gave yourself only a moment to mentally prepare for tonight before rushing off again.

You assumed you were in the clear as you snuck back out of your dorm, only to freeze when you spotted Derek standing in the corridor, talking to Sidney still. You couldn't hear what they were saying but the conversation ended with a short kiss, and Sid finally closed the door.

Unfortunately, Derek had already seen you before you could escape. He gave a confused smile as he approached you, "What're you doing out here? I thought you went inside." 

"I did, but I couldn't sleep." You quickly lied. "Thought I'd take a walk around campus to clear my head."

"By yourself? Are you sure that's safe?" He questioned with a frown that showed concern.

"Care to join me then?" You offered.

Seeing as Derek was number one on your suspect list—and Stu's—you'd want to keep a close eye on him until you could locate Stu.

"Sure, why not?" He accepted your invitation, and the two of you found yourselves outside, strolling down the sidewalk with no particular destination. For a while it was quiet. You listened to the chirping crickets as you slowly mustered up enough courage to ask him about his relationship.

"So, how're you and Sid?" You questioned while holding your hands behind your back.

Derek stared down at the concrete, releasing a heavy sigh as he shook his head, "I don't know... earlier she said she needed some distance, but I think being alone isn't the answer. I just wish she could trust me."

"You can't blame her," You voiced. "Sid's last boyfriend turned out to be a serial killer. It'll take time before she can learn to fully trust you."

"That's what blows my mind. He killed Sid's mom and then continued to date her for another year before making the big reveal. How did no one notice he was fucked up in the head?" Derek asked, but not even you could answer that.

Billy hid the darkest parts of himself for so long that it started to eat away at him. The person he was before his mother left was barely there anymore. It doesn't even feel like you know the real him, or that you ever did. For all you know, the side of himself he chose to show you might've been false too.

"I wish I knew—" You said only to cut yourself off with a sharp gasp. The sound of footsteps alerted your senses as you turned to look behind you. Though, no one was there as you scanned the area. "Did you hear that?"

"No..." Derek's brows pressed together as he looked at you. "Was I supposed to?"

"You!" Both your gazes snapped ahead to see a man in a brown cloak. He stood several yards in front of you as he pointed at Derek. "Prepare to die."

The two of you began to shuffle backward in fear of what he might do until he spoke again, "You gave up your letters."

"Oh, man." Derek panicked as a bunch of dudes from his frat suddenly came out of hiding. They all wore the same brown cloaks as they swept Derek off his feet, bringing him to face his punishment. "Hey, I'm not—"

You were left in a state of confusion, watching as they took off with Derek.

As you were about to take this opportunity to look for Stu, you felt two arms link with yours. You held back a groan as you glanced to your left, then right. Lois and Murphy, the two sorority chicks stood on either side of you with giddy grins.

"To Troy! We march!" Murphy declared, and Lois cheered as she held up her plastic dagger.

"What is going on? Where are they taking him?" You questioned as the two girls pulled you to follow along after the fraternity men.

"Derek gave his Greek letters to Sidney during lunch today. A big frat faux pas." The blonde explained.

"Tradition says, Derek must be punished," Lois stated with moon eyes. "It was so romantic, though."

"And so Greek!" Murphy added, and the two giggled in excitement.

"Goddamned tradition," You muttered under your breath as you were now being forced to attend another frat party, but without the comfort of having your friends with you.

The confidential party was being held inside the theatre, the loud music enveloping you the second you entered the building. You were one hundred percent certain that they did not have permission to be in here. Everyone was so high off the thrill.

You saw Derek being tied to a stage prop with rope after the boys had stripped him of his clothing, leaving him in just his briefs. You almost felt violated for him as his friends began to pour alcohol all over his body.

Fraternities were truly a strange concept.

"Let's get you a drink," Murphy said, maintaining a firm grip around your arm. "We all have to participate."

"Woah, I don't usually do this sort of thing—"

"You will soon enough," Lois said as the two girls were still determined to have you join their sorority.

In an instant, they dragged you along to grab some beer from the keg before redirecting you up the stage. They each took turns with drenching Derek with their beer, and he complained about how cold it was.

"Y/n, please." Derek pleaded as you stood in front of him. "Help a friend out."

"Sorry Derek, tradition is tradition." You stepped forward, finding this slightly amusing. However, instead of splashing him like the others, you held your cup up to his lips. "You could use this. It looks like you're gonna be up there for a while."

"You traitor." He mumbled, and you laughed as he took a reluctant sip of your drink.

One of Derek's fraternity brothers suddenly came over while shaking a can of beer, and you quickly stepped back. "Who do you love?!" He shouted over the blaring music.

"Sidney!" Derek yelled back.

"Did you say, 'My Omega Kappa Beta brothers'?" The guy questioned as he cracked open the can, spraying Derek until it was empty.

"No, I said Sidney!" Derek retaliated, and you couldn't help but smile. Maybe he wasn't the killer after all... you were starting to realize just how much love he has for Sid. The way he looks at her is nothing like how Billy did.

Derek would never hurt Sidney. You could see that now.

Even with how exceptionally loud it was in the theatre, you still somehow managed to hear as your phone began to ring in your pocket. You told the girls to give you a minute as you turned your back to them and headed down the steps to your right.

When you pulled out your phone, you felt your blood pressure spike as the ID read "Unknown."

"Hello?" You answered hesitantly, covering your other ear to block out the background noise.

"𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨, 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥." The caller greeted, and you could nearly sense their smile. "𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞?"

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