𝟹𝟺| 𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲

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The question had given you major déjà vu, leaving you stunned as the caller chuckled. Though, as you took a moment to reflect, you recognized that pet name. Only two people ever called you that.

"Stu, you just gave yourself away." You spoke into the phone, sounding more at ease.

"Damn, you could've at least played along. I wanted to scare you." Stu whined, and you heard a bit of shuffling as he clicked the button on his voice modulator.

You bit back a smile as you glanced around the room in search of him, "Where are you?"

"Play with me, and I'll tell you."

Your eyes scoured the auditorium, attempting to scan the faces of everyone but there were simply too many people. "Let me guess... you want to play a guessing game?" You asked, rolling your eyes at his tricksy antics.


"Alright then, ask away." You crossed an arm over your chest, scoffing at the stupidity.

"𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐦 𝐈 𝐚𝐭?" The voice modulator sounded creepier than normal, striking your body with a chill. A dreadful feeling rose in your gut as you couldn't comprehend why Stu would waste precious time with this daft game.

Your head snapped up when a figure suddenly dashed across the back row behind the balcony seats. The only way down was the stairs near the back exit.

"I found you." You stated while maneuvering through the drunken partiers, and grabbing onto the railing as you jogged up the steps.

"Come outside."

You looked at the stage where Derek was still being tormented by his fraternity brothers one last time before bolting down the aisle straight toward the exit. However, the second you pressed against the door handle, a hand grabbed your upper arm to pull you back.

"Shit!" You gasped, dropping your phone as you were pulled behind one of the giant pillars that held up the second floor. You relaxed when you saw it was just Stu, "You've got to stop scaring me like that."

"Who were you talking to?" He asked curiously, watching as you bent down to pick up your phone.

"Um, you." You said as you pressed the button to hang up, shoving it into your pocket.

"Is that supposed to be a joke or somethin'?" Stu questioned, seemingly lost.

"Why would I be joking?" You frowned.

"I dunno, maybe because I didn't call you."

"Stu, are you fucking with me?" You narrowed your eyes at him, brows pressing together with uncertainty. "I heard you, and you were even using that stupid voice modulator."

Stu laughed at your exasperation, not at all taking the situation seriously.

"I think you're losing it, Orth. That wasn't me." He insisted while patting down his pockets. "I don't even have the voice modulator on me."

You took a step back as your blood ran cold. If that wasn't Stu, then who the hell were you talking to? And how were they able to mimic Stu's voice perfectly?

"You sure it wasn't Billy?" Stu asked, catching as a wave of uneasiness washed over you.

"Yes, I'm sure." You nodded. Whoever that figure was that you saw a minute ago... it was definitely not Stu.

"Alright, but we're gonna have to deal with that later. We still got a killer to catch." Stu smiled wide, expression full of excitement.

You sighed, repressing your worries and fears for the next few minutes as you and Stu walked outside, heading towards the film building. The fall weather was starting to pick up as a harsh breeze blew by, setting off a current of rustling leaves. 

Tear You Apart || Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now