𝟹𝟻| 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦

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Saturday, October 25, 1997
12:57 am

"Ow! Billy, that hurts!"

"Then hold still," Billy demanded, pulling you closer as he cleaned up the blood around your wound.

After your little altercation with ghostface where Billy had to save your ass from becoming the next victim, you had earned a battle wound. Billy dragged you into the nearest bathroom to stop the bleeding with several paper towels from the dispenser. You were now standing in front of the sink as he used a dampened paper towel to remove some of the dried blood. You couldn't help but flinch whenever he got a little too close to the wound.

"How'd you know that I was here, anyway?" You asked, gripping the sink with your free hand as you leaned against it.

"I found your phone outside when I heard you screaming for Stu," Billy revealed as he turned to throw away the paper towel. "I should've known his dumbass had something to do with this."

"We had a plan... but then he ran off. I don't know what happened." You tried explaining. The intense energy rolling off of Billy exuded anger and hostility, making you worry what he might do to Stu when he gets back.

"Yeah, and I can't believe you actually agreed to whatever bullshit he came up with. I thought you were smarter than that."

You scoffed at Billy's berating. There was no other way to take his words than as an insult.

"It beats sitting around doing nothing." You argued, removing your arm from his grasp. "Besides, the plan wasn't half-bad. If Stu hadn't–"

"Y/n!" A voice called out to you from outside the bathroom.

Billy's expression fell into a deadpan before storming out of the room. The door swung violently behind him, and you immediately followed after him in case things got out of hand.

Stu was surprised to see his partner in crime aggressively entering the hallway, though, he could barely get a word out as Billy charged over to him, grabbing him by the shirt.

"I should kick your fucking ass." Billy threatened, voice low. "She could've been killed! Where the fuck were you?"

Stu's gaze panned to you as you rushed over to break them apart. He seemed to be at a loss for words as he silently stared at your fresh injury.

"Billy! Screaming at him won't help any!" You shouted as you tried prying him away from Stu. "Just let him explain."

Stu looked back and forth between the two of you as if a lightbulb had lit inside his head. "Jesus Christ!" He exclaimed suddenly.

"What?" Billy bit out impatiently, backing off as it appeared Stu just realized something.

"There's two of them!" Stu concluded, making your brows furrow. He groaned as you both needed further explanation. "That's why I took off. I saw some guy in a mask and went after him. And if you were attacked in here while I was chasing someone out there, that means we got two killers on our hands."

You blinked several times, taking a few moments to process his words. This really was Woodsboro all over again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" You ran a hand down your face, relinquishing an exhausted sigh. "You know that this is all your fault, right?"

Tear You Apart || Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now