𝟺𝟶| 𝐒𝐨, 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐞

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"Stu! What the hell?" You exclaimed as you swept the tips of your fingers across the discolored bruising along your skin. You stood in front of the mirror, fixing your unkempt appearance when you spotted the little love marks littering the base of your neck and collarbone.

"I can't go to the party like this." You declared, watching Stu through the mirror as he tugged his shirt on.

"Then don't go," he said, turning to meet your gaze. You scoffed at his bluntness, shaking your head as you snatched the concealer off your vanity.

"I already agreed to." You reminded, ignoring him as he slowly approached you from behind. Before you could even apply the makeup, Stu slid an arm around your waist, pulling you back against his chest.

The sparks pulsing through your body magnified under his touch, like an electric current. You've never experienced something so intense... not even with Billy.

"But do you want to?" Stu asked, fingers toying with the hem of your shirt.

Your breath hitched at the feeling, and you held onto the arm around you. You couldn't even form a verbal response as you slowly shook your head.

"So, stay with me." He whispered, lips grazing your neck as he leaned down. You closed your eyes, body melting against him as he pressed a single kiss to your jaw.

As he trailed even lower, kissing along the sensitive skin of your neck, you believed your legs would give out at any minute. If it weren't for Stu holding you against him, you'd collapse.

You inhaled deeply as his teeth lightly nipped the markings he'd left earlier, and your eyes fluttered open again. You couldn't let yourself succumb to his advances. Now wasn't the time for distractions.

However, later... that could be a possibility.

"How about you come with me?" You suggested, and Stu glanced at you through the mirror. "Not actually with me but come on your own. That way you'll be there if anything happens."

Stu's arm fell from your waist as you spun around to face him. His blue eyes dropped down to his hand when you gently took it. "I'd feel safer with you there." You murmured, slightly abashed.

Stu grinned at your coyness bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss your palm. "Can't say no when you ask me like that," he said.

"That was the point." You revealed a cheeky smile while placing your hands on his shoulders as you guided him backward to give yourself space. "Now, don't wait too long to follow when I leave. And don't forget to put that mask back on. You don't want Sidney or anyone else seeing you."

"Alright, I won't forget... bossy." Stu commented, making you roll your eyes.

Eventually, you could only cover the hickeys enough to where they were barely noticeable. Then you finally left, making sure to remind Stu to wait at least five minutes before joining.

Though, you soon realized that tonight had to have been the worst time to attend a Halloween party. With Stab's release right around the corner, many people had decided to dress up as Ghostface. When you arrived at the Omega Kappa house, countless students were wearing the familiar mask.

You even considered leaving but Hallie was hell-bent on you and Sid having some fun for once.

"I don't think this was such a good idea, Hal." Sidney said as the three of you navigated through the fraternity house. With Sid's bodyguards silently trailing behind, it caused your little group to receive curious glances. Some people even evaded being around you due to their intimidating presence.

Tear You Apart || Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now