Chapter 14

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Mohammed's pov

Three months later

I woke up around 10am today and took my bath then I got ready for work and I head out locking the apartment. Now I live alone In my apartment because Triple A has also started working as the CEO of one of his dad's company in Berlin while I am the CEO of the one here.

The business companies is more like a family business company which has been passed from generation to generation and now each and everyone of us are CEO's of one company each including my elder cousins which are
Then the last duo Triple A and me.

We started working as CEO a month after our graduation.

Now all those aside first of all I want to talk to Daddy about my marriage, and I want to ask for her hand In marriage.

So I am thinking that should be done as soon as possible. She has two more years to finish her university which will come in a blink of an eye.

I pick up a bottle of water then I head to work.

When I reached, I parked my car at the parking lot then I head into the 5 story building with a straight face.

The workers stopped their work and turned to greet me to which I nod.

I used the elevator to my office and did work for the rest of the day and only finished by 4:30pm.

When I finished, I drove back home and took a shower then I offered my esha salat and I spray some perfume before I drove to Aisha's Apartment where I'll be having dinner today.

I also planned on telling her what I wanted to tell her three months ago today.

When I reached my destination, I parked my car in their parking lot and I locked it then I head inside.

I rang the doorbell but no one opens the door.

When I got tired of standing, I twisted the door knob to see weather there might be a chance it's open. Thankfully it was.

No one was in the sitting room and I heard sounds coming from the kitchen.

Few minutes later I heard Aisha's voice.

"Haaya take care of the samosas let me take a sh-"that was when she realized I was seated there.

I was just there admiring her beauty oh my God. She has the most longest,dark and shiny hair I have ever seen. And to top it all her 4'o clock Coca-Cola body.

Astagfirullah,Maasha Allah.

She was shocked to see me as she ran out of view in less than 10 seconds.

I had missed coming to this place cause now it seem like a total new environment. The last time I came was the day Aisha and her brother were coming to here.


She came back with her body covered from head to toe with a khimar.

She sat down opposite me on the couch I was sitting on.

"Hello! Good evening"she said with a smile.

"How are you Aisha" I said smiling back.

"Alhamdulillah I am fine. How is work"she asked.

"Alhamdulillah" I said.

"I'll come back in a bit"she said standing up.

She then head to the kitchen and that was when I heard her tiny voice say.

"Your brother is here"

Few seconds later Haaya was now disturbing me with her rants while Aisha went to her room.

Aisha came back after a while dressed up in black sweats shirt and pants. Her face was clad in her tarha. She didn't have any makeup on yet her face looked dazzling.

"Let me check on the food"she said rushing off to the kitchen.

"Haaya come help me set the dining"she said from the kitchen. Haaya left to freshen up so I just stood up and went to the kitchen to help her.

"Let's be fast we don't want to keep our guest hungry"she said not knowing it was me because her back was facing me.

"The guest will help you then" I said leaning on the door folding my hands.

She turned immediately and gasped.

"What?" I asked.

"Uhm.....well you can go and wait for us to finish don't worry we will get everything done.

"I insist Mi amor" I said and that was when her face heated.

I helped her set everything up While Haaya was away.

She told me some funny stories of her childhood while I told her mine.

"You're really funny ya Moh'" she said in between laughter.

"Why do you always call me that?" I asked.

"Because that's your name"she said. Stirring the cabbage sauce.

"No babe you have to find another name to call me" I said.

"I'll do that now pl-" She was saying.

"Whennn" I said.

"Pleeeeaaaaase. Continueeeee"she pouted stamping her left foot.

"Okay okay!!!
So they all called me Mommodo back then and I used to cr-" I was cut off by her histerical  laughter.

"Mommodo. That's ......a nice a-and"she said while laughing.

"Not you too?" I said.

"Now I've found the perfect name for you" She said turning the sauce into a warmer.

She kept on laughing and saying the name multiple times and I was annoyed.

"Hey guys! What's so funny. I could hear your voices from the bathroom" Haaya said coming into the kitchen.

"That his name is Mommodoooo"Aisha said bursting into another series of laughter.

They both laughed at me and Haaya told her more funny things about my childhood while she kept on laughing.

We ate dinner speaking about different topics of our lives.

When we were done, Haaya packed the plates and everything then she went to the kitchen and was doing the dishes while I decided it was the perfect time for me to tell her.

Uhm uhm. I cleared my throat. She raised her head from her phone and she looked up at me.

"Aisha I want to tell you something" I said breathing in and out.

"Sure! Go on"she said keeping her phone aside.

"Well the thing is that I want to ask for your hand in marriage as soon as possible. I am thinking next month" I said.

"Okayyyyyy......soooo idk what to say. But yeah............ isdk what to say"she said.

(Idk:I don't know
Isdk:I still don't know)

"Don't worry I will talk to daddy about it." I said.

"Buh wait, I have two whole YEARS of uni??????"she said more of a question than a statement.

"Yeah I know after you graduate, then we can marry a month later"I said.

"Okay. In Sha Allah"she said.

After our talk, we went to their sitting room and talked for a while before I gave them the gifts I bought them and bade Them goodbye driving off to my apartment after the walked me to the parking lot.


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