The Damsel & the Serpent

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AN: Happy Holidays, everyone! This is my fic for eat0crow from the ACOTAR Gift Exchange 2023 on Tumblr. It is not, however, a Christmas fic.

A warning before you all start reading. While the first half of the fic is typical fluff, the second half will have some angst, including character death. If that isn't your cup of tea, don't read. If you would like to see the full list of ao3 tags, please go to the link in my bio. Thank you and enjoy!



Rhysand had never felt so close to falling asleep at a meeting, and growing up in his father's Court of Nightmares, that was saying something. At least there, brutality kept things from being uneventful. But here in the Summer palace, there was nothing to turn his stomach but overseasoned trout and the High Lord's too-sweet wine. It was times like these he truly dreaded his looming title and birthright.

Suppressing a sigh, he maintained his mask, nodding along and smiling when necessary whilst making the remarks expected to establish he cared about the nonsense Nostrus was set on arranging. Small talk and an offering of reward for the high demand the male was procrastinating. Forces from the strongest army on their continent to subdue the creature butchering his soldiers and citizens. There was no bravery or gall in cooperating with the cruel court from the north. The male was just covering his ass and calling it an alliance.

But then, wasn't that the truth of most deals?

Still, his desperation was clear, if the setting around him was anything to go by. High quality tapestries hung from each pillar making up the veranda they dined in, Not the typical everyday decor of the court. The dining table was set for something much grander than a business dinner, when one considered the fine linen tablecloth, crystal glasses, and polished silver.

If his father were present, Rhys was certain he'd be so amused by the effort he'd spend the evening toying with his Summer counterpart.

"Rhysand, I suppose I can't beat around the bush forever. Would you consider—" Nostrus paused in his inquiry, his attention diverted by a member of his inner circle approaching the edge of the veranda. There was a nervous glint in the captain's eyes as he scurried over to whisper in his High Lord's ear, his voice almost quiet enough for Rhys to miss the short message delivered. "The Archeron girl has been captured. High tide is less than two hours away."

Something twisted in Rhys' gut, his protective instincts rising as he watched the High Lord's jaw tighten. Apparently they wouldn't be discussing the looming topic of the aid Nostrus needed so desperately. "Thank you." Clearing his throat, he swiped his napkin over his mouth before standing. "If you'll excuse me, Rhysand, perhaps we can finish this discussion in the morning. I have something rather urgent to attend to."

"Of course, Nostrus. Tomorrow." The moment the Summer males turned their backs he was past the flimsy mental shield the captain maintained. One glimpse was all it took to explain the tension the message brought. As Nostrus had wined and dined him, his second in command was sending an innocent female to her death. Rhys didn't recognize her, and he'd been bred to accept any and all brands of cruelty, yet he'd sooner slit his own throat than let them succeed in killing her.

He winnowed back to the guest room he'd been shown to earlier that day, finding his brother snooping about, as he expected. "Uh oh, I know that face," Cassian said, smirking. "Who do I get to punch?"

"No one yet. I only know half of what's happening. First and foremost, this will be a rescue mission. The punching can come later."

Cassian paused, setting the trinket he was fiddling with back on the dresser. "Rescue? Rescue who, Rhys? What happened at that dinner?"

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