Waiting for a Sign

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AN: I gave you breadcrumbs during Feysand's first night together, but here's the real Odyssey!Elucien set up. I can't promise you when the next chapter will be out, because I've run out of prewritten chapters, but I really felt like dropping something today. The fic will be finished before mid-July. That I can promise.

Anywhosville, enjoy!



Ten days. It took ten days for the fire and frenzy of the mating bond to mellow enough that Feyre and Rhys were willing to consider rejoining society. While she was disappointed to leave the bubble of bliss they'd created for themselves, there was no escaping reality, and Rhys could only be absent from his duties for so long before people started calling it insubordination.

"You should know, we aren't going back to Velaris yet," he said.

"Where are we going first?" He grimaced. "Rhys?"

"Your parents heard you were in the Night Court and have been persistent in their desire for an audience with my father to demand your return to Summer, going as far as to bring your engagement to the public eye. I'm sure you realize that until you publicly claim me as your mate, you will be treated as your father's property. The bond's authenticity will be obvious upon arrival, so don't worry about that."

She was quiet for a moment. "I knew I'd have to face the fallout soon. I just didn't think I'd be dealing with the whiplash of going from this little bubble of happiness to listening to my parents' manipulations."

"Or perhaps you're going from our little bubble of happiness to a place where you finally get to stand up and tell them where they can shove their way of thinking." He was tender in cupping her cheek and she leaned into his touch. "You are not their puppet, remember? You are free." He gave her a wolfish grin, slipping her mating band onto her left hand. "And once you've established that..."

She slowly took the envelope he extended, unfolding the scrap of paper inside to assess the loopy handwriting there.


I appreciate you reaching out, as it's been a considerable time since we've seen one another. Congratulations on your mating, first and foremost. You can tell your new love I'd be more than happy to host any family of Elain's and when you've found yourself in a more agreeable state—

She didn't need to read the rest to know what the offering was. "You wrote to Day."

Kissing her knuckles, he smiled. "I made you a promise, darling. And when I promise something, I follow through."

Throwing herself in his arms, she kissed him. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome, my love."

She fluttered her eyes, one hand dropping to his belt. "Before we go..."

He dipped his head, his slight grin falling against her ear. "What kind of male would I be to refuse my eager little mate?"



"You must realize, High Lord, our daughter has no place here. She belongs to the Prince of Spring."

"I belong to no one."

His mate looked positively delicious that evening, her soft curves wrapped in a backless gown of midnight silk, a slit up the right side exposing one creamy leg. There wasn't a single male in the room who didn't do a double take at the sight of her—including his brother, posted in his usual position beside the High Lord's throne, the loyal spymaster. She was nothing short of regal as she strode through the Court of Nightmares. And all his. "Mother. Father. You can go home now. Your reason for being here holds no power."

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