(04) 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩

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" and they say bros over hoes , i'm like hmm nah hey , i would rather hold your hand then have a cool handshake . "
- wilshire , tyler the creator .

𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗴𝗼 !!!

we went to sleep at about 4 am , and cynthia's m had woken us at 5 am with the most loudest music in the world , had opened my door , cynthia's door and where the triplets were sleeping .
we were hella sleepy .
" mom , why did you wake us at 5 am ? " cynthia asked at her mom while half asleep
" we're going on a misters trip , get your stuff ready . we're gonna go to florida !! " haley said while being so energetic while all of us we'd literally zombies walking .

i was doing my bags , i already knew we were there for a full 1 week . so i needed a lot of clothes . the triplets went to their house to get their clothes .
after the triplets finally came to our house . i sat down on the couch being so tired . chris sat down next to me .
" hi maria . " chris said as he sat down next to me rubbing my shoulder
" hi chris " i yawned and looked at him .
" how'd you sleep ? "
" well ... i could've slept better if you were in bed with me " chris said while raising both of his eyebrows and laughing .
" shut up christopher . " maria said as she was smiling .
" stop chitchatting guys . we have to go . the uber is almost here !!! " haley reminded us .
" yes ma'am " we both said at the same time while getting up , looking at the eachother and letting out a little giggle .

we were already in the car , we had our bags in the back . haley was sitting in the front , me and chris in the back . and cynthia matt and nick , in the back back .
as i was ready to get my airpods out to play tyler the creator . i was surprised by a question from chris .
" you like tyler too ? " chris said suprised
" of course i do . who doesn't ? " maria said while getting her airpods in her ears .
" may i listen with you to tyler ? " chris asked while making puppy eyes .
maria was super shocked knowing that someone wants to listen to tyler the creator with her . her friends from romania would never listen with her , they said that it was gay shit . she looked at him for a full minute without saying anything .
" uhmmm ... maria ? hellooooo ? " chris waved in front of maria's eyes .
maria had came back from zoning out and thinking about how can they be getting so along and compatible.
" uhm yea , sorry , i zoned out " maria said while smiling to chris . " here's and airpod " he came him one airpod
" no problem " he said smiling while putting the airpod in his ear .

" sooo , what song you gonna play ? " chris asked while still looking at maria .
" well , i was thinking wilshire . it's my favourite right now " maria said while going onto spotify .
" ain't no way bro . that's my favourite too . how can we be so compatible bro ? " this said while being so happy .
cynthia matt and nick were looking at them . they met a bet cause if maria and chris don't get together in the next 6 months . matt had to give them both 200 dollars .
" see , i'm telling you , they have potential !!! " cynthia pointed out .
" oh come on ! chris is like this to every girl he sees . they're gonna make out , there gonna be rumours that they're dating , and because chris can't get all of those things together, he's gonna forget about her . i know my brother better than y'all hoes do " matt said at both nick and cynthia .
" someones grumpy this morning . " cynthia said while laughing with nick .

we finally arrived at the airport . i was getting my suitcase from the back of the car . the outside weather was so nice , it was a little bit sunny and a little bit cold . but not to get a sweater . it was perfect .
we got our bags and entered the airport . as maria tried to find a sit to sit . chris took it too fast .
" cmon chris ! i don't wanna sit up and this is the last sit on this row . " maria begged chris
" nope . i was here first . here i am gonna stay until our flight is here . " chris said as he gave her a death stare .
" sometimes your so annoying . " maria said
" that means that you love me and that you have feelings for me , how sweet . " chris said with a smile on his face .
" you can stay in my seat maria . " matt said .
" well thank you , you're such a gentleman " maria said while going to sit down and looking at chris .

after some time . our flight was almost here . we got checked in , and got in the flight .
cynthia matt and nick were behind us , still talking about me and chris getting together .chris decided to sit next to me . and next to chris was haley , cynthia's mom .
" finally , in the plane " maria took a sigh as she got comfortable and ready to listen to music the whole flight , or even sleeping .
" heyhey beautiful " chris said in a flirty tone once again as he sat down .
" i'm literally gonna try my best to ignore you the whole flight " maria said with her eyes closed .
" how can you ignore this face . i don't understand you at all " chris said while being a hit turned to maria .
" i swear to god chris cause if your gonna keep talking to me the whole flight and not let me sleep . idk what i'll do . " maria said while opening her eyes to chris .
" you're lame as fuck maria " chris said in a sarcastic voice .
" what do you want to do so i could make you shut up . " maria said that being so fed up .
" we could make out . idk tho " chris said while winking .
" no . just , no " maria said while going back to listen to music .
" awwww " chris said in a sad voice , like obviously, he was being sarcastic .

maria said that chris can listen either way her to music , playing wilshire fork tyler the creator again . she had shuffle on for the whole flight .
maria and chris had fallen asleep . maria on chris's shoulder , and chris on her head .
" i'm telling you matt , stop being so stubborn and accept the fact that they're gonna be together " nick said while looking at cynthia so she could say something .
" yea matt , nicks right , stop being so stubborn " cynthia felt so round after saying that .
matt was so fed up from hearing two motherfuxkers in his ears talking about this so he came up with a and idea .
" lets make a bet . if they can together , you both get 200 dollars each . if they don't , you guys have to give me 200 dollars EACH . " matt said that looking at both of them smiling large as fuck .
" bet accepted " cynthia and nick said at the same time .

the flight was finally over . maria had woken up seeing that she accidentally fell asleep on chris's shoulder , but in her mind , the slew was heating so hard . after a few seconds for maria to wake up . she finally woke up chris .
" wake up chris , we're in florida " maria said while stretching out .
" what you saying ? " chris mumbled
" i said wake the fuck up " maria yelled at a lower level " we're in florida "
" you don't have to yell " chris rolled his eyes .
" oh shut up and let's get out of here . " maria said while rolling her eyes
" okay boss " chris said sarcastically .

maria had gotten off the airplane , the sun sa so warm and nice . the cold breeze was so wonderful . she felt in heaven for a second .
" hey girly pop ! " cynthia said while putting her arm around maria .
" hey girlfriend !! " maria said while smiling to cynthia .
" soo i gotta tell you something . " cynthia said being kinda nervous
" what is it gf ? " maria asked being scared for herself
" i kinda made a bet with matt that in about 6 months you and chris will be together... " cynthia said while not looking at maria .
" first of all . me and chris just met . second of all . i don't even have a crush on him or anything , he's just like a friend to me . maria said .
" yea yea girlfriend " cynthia said sarcastically

no cause why did maria felt asleep like that , likeeee 🤨🤨🤨 . she has some explaining to do
and i feel like maria already had a crush on chris 😍😍😍
i cant wait to continue this story bro 😞😞😞

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