Part Two

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"Hello?" Harry brought his phone to his line of vision, making sure he'd actually picked up the call, "Uhm,

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"Hello?" Harry brought his phone to his line of vision, making sure he'd actually picked up the call, "Uhm,... hello?"

"Hi. Is this a bad time?"

Harry racked his brain to place the person's voice, the fact that he didn't have the number saved in his contacts made it even more difficult. It sounded awfully familiar, though... "Oh! It's you!"

She never did give him her name. And neither did he, come to think of it. He only gave her his number before she got out of his car after he drove her home. Just in case.

"You remember?"

Harry sighed heavily. "I wish I could forget everything about that night," he chuckled nervously. "No offence."

"... I can't forget, either. You were right."


"Listen... would it be too... upsetting, if we met up? You're the only person that's been in my shoes that I feel I could open up to about this. It's been... very lonely, eating at me... Maybe talking would help make better sense of it..."

Harry didn't have to ponder. He'd wanted the same thing all along. He was glad she reached out to him, since he couldn't contact her. "Name the place."


Harry wondered if he looked as broken as she did but had just gotten used to seeing his miserable face stare back at him in the mirror every day. It'd been close to a month since the... circumstance that had brought the two of them together. Admittedly, he hadn't paid close attention to her appearance back then, but, seeing her now, he definitely recognized some changes, albeit subtle. She appeared more frail, her under eyes darker, the polish on her nails chipped off, her lips chapped and bitten, her clothes wrinkled. He observed her over the cup of coffee he was sipping on on that rainy afternoon as she talked about how it'd been like trying to move on from that night.

"You were right. I did know, even then, that this was going to ruin us. But I kept lying to myself, thinking I could just pretend it never happened. Hoping that he'd gotten it out of his system and that things would go back to normal. You know I even dared to believe things would get better? I thought maybe this would put things into perspective for him and make him realize what a good thing he's got going at home... Was I naive or what?"

Harry furrowed his brows compassionately, "You and I both. Believe it or not, I also hoped for the same. But, assuming things went for you guys the same way they did for us... it wasn't quite the case, was it?"

She shook her head solemnly, staring into her cup of coffee. "He never asked me how things went on my side. He doesn't even know I never went through with it. The following morning, he called me at around 11am. That's... extremely late for him. He's an early bird, chronically so. He'd been clearly... distracted. So when I told him I'd already taken an uber home he didn't question it. He then came home and acted like everything was normal. He didn't talk about it, I never asked him any questions. He didn't care to ask me any, either... I wouldn't say we're pretending like nothing ever happened, because that's not it at all. This... unspoken, huge thing that happened is always looming over us. Now whenever he's late from work, he doesn't even tell me why he's late. It's like... I know why. I don't have to ask. He doesn't have to tell me."

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