Get under a cover

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You smile sitting on the couch next to your girlfriend who came back from running errands reaching and caressing her face with your hand making her jump and yelp out. She immediately grabs and rubs both your hands before grabbing another blanket "Baby what is it?" she doesn't speak as she wraps you in three blankets while she wears a jacket over her pajamas and fuzzy socks making you raise a brow as she hands you a drink putting on a random movie "How the hell do you not have hypothermia you're freezing!" you knew you were cold but you were so used to the feeling that even if you were shaking slightly you wouldn't pick up on it at first from being used to the feeling of it but toni looked worried as she rubs your feet putting them between her thighs under the blanket the two of you were sharing along with the two blankets she had wrapped you up in twenty minutes earlier slowly feeling the chill within your body slowly dissolve as the two of you watch tv. As you feel your body warm up you become more relaxed and tired having been up since the early hours of the morning to run errands and having a doctor's appointment for a small cold that was becoming a bit worse leading you to pick up cold medicine to take for the next three days since it wasn't severe, you doze on and off for the next hour before falling asleep making toni smile before taking a picture and doing laundry as you sleep making sure to fix and tuck the blankets over any part of your body that was slightly exposed waking up three hours later as she made dinner eating together a few minutes later before watching more movies wrapped in the covers and in toni's arms before both of you fell asleep.

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