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"Benny! Two dozen donuts for the counter, Mrs. Dowdy's order up next" Layla shouted. The smell of delicious donuts and pastries filled the cafe as people of all ages gathered to pick up their orders.

"Benny how about that order two dozen" Layla shouted. Placing the last donut in the box sealing the box and walking it up to the counter. Mrs. Laughlin waited with her clutch in hand. "Always a pleasure to do business with the bakery Benny" Mrs. Laughlin said. Dropping a dollar into the tip jar.

Benny waved goodbye to Mrs. Laughlin as Mrs. Dowdy entered a minute later. "Good morning Mrs. Dowdy here are your pastries" Layla said. "Thank you Layla" Mrs. Dowdy said. The bell of the front door was heard before Layla shot Benny a scowl.

Bennys eyes filled with panic as he heard Laylas stern voice. "I just think you would be best on the decorator station...Aunt Olivia and I agree" Layla said. Aunt Olivia wasn't really Bennys aunt Layla and Olivia were Bennys moms. He was adopted when he was a few months old.

"I hate to do this to you sweetie but it's for the best, we hired a new baker  to help he should be coming in today" Olivia said.

A new baker who's a guy? Why would a guy want to work in a bakery. Harry styles is the only exception. I mean have you seen him. Benny lost his train of thought before he went back to work.

Bennys round face lifted when he heard the sound of the front door opening.

Averagely handsome man entered the bakery. The bag that Benny was holding almost exploded by how much pressure was on it. "Watch that Ben" Layla said. Bennys attention went back to the frosting bag. He frosted a dozen cookies before moving on to the next dozen.

"Benny this is Randy he's the new baker...Randy this is Benny our froster" Olivia said. "Nice to meet you Benny" Randy said. Even his voice was southern. Benny shook his hand meeting Randy's gaze hazel eyes dominated his blue ones.

"Back to work Benny, as for you Randy this is where you'll be stationed" Olivia said. Showing Randy his baking station. Which wasn't very far from Bennys frosted station.

"Can I ask you something ma'am" Randy said. Olivia gave him her attention. "Why doesn't Benny talk" Randy asked. "I can't tell you that it's for that sweet like sugar boy over there to bring up when he's ready, his mother and I both agreed to it" Olivia said.

Olivia went back to work leaving Randy at his station. Randy looked toward Benny who was frosting a sugar cookie. The frosting color was white with a little frosted baby pink flower. Randy watched him as he worked on the cookie.

His eyes followed his hands as he held the bag. Carefully decorating each cookie with detail. Randy felt a sense of happiness watching the baker boy. He felt a soft tap on the shoulder, glancing over he saw Benny standing nervously. Turning toward him he soon saw Benny holding out a cookie.

Benny frosted Hi Randy on the cookie. His nerves were escalating as he held the cookie out towards Randy. The blue eyes read the frosted lettering and smiled.

"Hello Benny" Randy said.

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