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Randy heard the bell of the bakery door. Seeing Benny made his day. The minute he clocked in Olivia was shouting orders. Benny followed in behind Layla.

Cupcakes were on the to be frosted list for Benny today. Finishing up the last tray of cookies Benny moved on to the cupcakes that were sitting on the bakers rack. Knowing Randy baked these cupcakes brought a smile to Benny.

Benny frosted up a cupcake before smashing it in Randy's face. "Hey" Randy laughed. Randy caught Benny wiping the excess frosting on the giggling Benny's face.

Olivia entered the kitchen, the fun stopped immediately. "What is going on here" Olivia said. Benny's frosting bags were in his hands. A purple bag was in Randy's. Frosting was on the counters floor and baker's racks. "You two better have this kitchen cleaned by the time we close tonight" Olivia said. Storming out of the kitchen Benny fell to his knees he scooped up a dollop of frosting. "I didn't mean to get you in trouble with your mom Ben" Randy said.

Randy and Benny began cleaning the frosting. Randy requested Alexa to play 'Bennie and the Jets'. Benny's head turned to look at Randy. Layla used to play the song constantly when he was younger. He took the mop handle using it as a microphone. Lip syncing the words causing Benny to smile. Randy danced around Benny like the fool he was. During the piano solo Randy's feet were in sync with the beat. The song ended Randy sealed it with a peck to Bennys lips.

Benny's eyes were wide, that was his first official kiss. To say the least he was happy it was from Randy. "Was that your first kiss" Randy asked. Benny nodded his face was red without embarrassment.

"It should've been special I'm sorry Ben" Randy said. Benny was treated special all his life. This kiss was the first normal thing he ever received. His moms treat him as a child due to him being autistic. Randy treats him as an actual person.

"How about we go get lunch next door after we clean up the frosting" Randy said. Benny liked the idea of having lunch with Randy. Quickly the two of them cleaned up the kitchen.

Randy and Benny clocked out to go have lunch together. Before leaving the bakery Layla gave Randy a list of safe foods that Benny would eat.

"Remember when that was us...young and in love" Layla said. "I still love you Donatello" Olivia said. Swatting a towel at Layla. "Oh it's on Raphael" Layla said.

Benny and Randy entered the diner. The waitress seated them at a booth, Benny set facing Randy. The waitress gave them their menus. Randy noticed familiar safe foods for Benny. "Point to a meal that you want Ben" Randy said.

Benny looked over the menu, he saw a picture macaroni and cheese. His slim finger pointed to that picture. Flipping the menu Randy showed the drink options. Benny pointed to Coke. Closing the menu the waitress came back and took Randy's and Benny's orders.

Benny worked up the courage to show Randy the picture he drew. The actual eyes of Randy's perfect blues were looking on the illustrated eyes. Benny was too shy to see his reaction of the picture.

"This is the sweetest thing anyone's ever given me other than the cookie you gave me that was extraordinarily sweet" Randy said. Benny wanted to touch Randy, feel his hand holding his. Randy followed Benny's eyes the twenty year old's eyes were fixated on Randy's hand, reaching out Randy held his hand open. Benny's shaky hand began to find it's way over to Randy's open one. Benny looked like a scared rabbit when it came to any form of affection. He's never experienced any proper affection from anyone other than his moms. Layla and Olivia love their son. But it's different when it comes to Randy, Benny is conflicted.

The waitress soon enough came back with their plates of food. Benny used his own utensil that was in the backpack he carried. Benny began to eat with his ninja turtle fork. Randy found Benny using a ninja turtle utensil adorable. "Who's your favorite ninja turtle" Randy asked. Benny pointed to Leonardo, the turtle with the blue bandana. "Is that why blue is your favorite color" Randy asked. Benny pointed to Randy's eyes, the blue eyes were the reasoning behind Benny's favorite color being blue. Randy brought Bennys finger tips to his lips. "R-a-n-d-y, Randy" Randy said.

Benny used his free hand bringing it to his own lips. He felt the way his lips moved as he tried to make the name Randy. Layla and Olivia entered the diner. "Randy" Bennys hoarse voice was heard.

Olivia's eyes were wide, Layla grabbed her wives hand. "Did he just say your name" Layla asked. Bennys eyes had terror written in them. "We're proud of you Ben" Randy said. Kissing the outside of Bennys hand. Layla tightly hugged her son, Olivia kissed his hair.

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