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The bakery closed at 10pm. Benny left around eight to let the dog out. A Poodle came marching to Benny. Licking the boys face a smile was across his tired face. Her dog tag read Gigi. He then walked into the kitchen with Gigi following behind him.

Her food bowl was empty, Bennys responsibility was to feed her when he got home. That's what he did even if he was exhausted from frosting cookies all day. After dropping a fair amount of kibble in the bowl Gigi began to eat. Rubbing her fluffy head before retiring to his room.

Bennys room was a typical set up for a twenty year old. Turning the light on he looked at his schedule that Layla made.

Today was Tuesday, tomorrow is Wednesday which means speech therapy and bakery. Benny was more of a fan of skipping speech therapy when Layla was taking him places. Tomorrow is Olivia's day to drive him. Olivia liked to be on time which bothered Benny.

After looking at the schedule he grabbed a squishmellow that Layla bought him. His bed sheets were ninja turtles Olivia wants to get rid of them. Layla says ninja turtles are cool. Laying on the bed with his squishmellow Benny imagined Randy.

Benny grabbed his sketchbook and a few pencils from his nightstand. Randy's blue eyes were all he could think about. Soon enough Benny saw an illustrated version of Randy's eyes looking back at him. The vibrant blue of Randy's eyes were beautiful to Benny. The first thing Benny noticed about a person was their eyes. For the first five seconds before he looks away.

"Ben, Liv brought home pizza" Layla said. Closing the sketchbook Benny couldn't get the colors out of his mind. He had to see Randy again.

The kitchen smelt like pizza, Olivia held out a plate for her son. She noticed his blue hands. "Wash your hands Ben" Olivia said. Benny washed his hands with soap and warm water. Turning off the tap he dried his hands with his ninja turtle cloth.

Will Randy be there tomorrow. Benny signed towards Olivia and Layla. "He just started Ben, of course he will" Layla said. Benny then began to eat his food. The pizza was a thin crust with cheese doubled on.

"The cookies you frosted today Ben looked very well done" Olivia said. Which caused Benny to smile he liked to see people be happy about his frosted skills. Benny signed a thank you towards his moms. "Any time kiddo" Layla said.

Gigi was in sight soon enough for a chance to get a crumb of fallen pizza. Layla was the one to slip her some food most times. "If I see you slip G one more pepperoni I'm going to turn into a ninja turtle" Olivia said. Causing Benny to laugh to himself as he finished his remaining slice.

"It's not that serious Raphael" Layla said. "It is serious Donatello, where are my weapons" Olivia said. Causing Benny to laugh more loudly. Olivia noticed Benny was beginning to cough. "Chew chew then laugh Ben" Olivia said. Benny ate the rest of his pizza.

After dinner Benny brushed his teeth before changing for bed. His nighttime medication was in its box. Opening the Tuesday tab he swallowed his pills with a decent sized sip of water.

Layla was standing near his door with Gigi. "Great work saving the city Leonardo" Layla said. Turning off the light Bennys eyes began to close. The illustration he drew earlier became more of an actual representation of Randy's eyes.

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