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It was the morning after happily ever after. There were no real villains posing threat to the world, no life threatening missions needing immediate attention, and most importantly; no school. It was summer break, the best time of the year. Or maybe second best, if you count Wibter, for Wasalia. Either way, today was bound to be a good day.

Sofia woke up to soft sun rays shining on her face. She must have left the window open last night. Though it's not a problem, the room could use some fresh air anyway. The princess arises and begins making her bed. The palace staff always gossipped about Sofia; they'd never known a princess with such humility, who would take liberties to complete tasks like this when she could easily delegate the task unto any servant. Even the family finds it strange. But it's just something that makes Sofia unique, and while it's unusual, it's part of what makes her so beloved by everyone.

Once Sofia finishes her bed, a familiar face swings on over.

"Clover! Aw I've missed you, I've been so busy these past few months, we haven't even talked much. But it's summer vacation now! Can you believe it!?" Sofia rambles excitedly to her bunny friend. "I've done so much, and made so many wonderful connections. But I'm happy to finally have some time to just relax, no worries or problems, just like the old days, right? So, what do you wanna do first?" She asks eagerly.

For a moment, Sofia was worried she had blanked out, as she didn't hear a response. But when she turned around to face Clover, it looked as though he was talking like normal a sudden strike of panic stabbed through the princesses chest as she wonders why she can't hear her best friend. She's wearing the amulet, Vor is gone, she's made ammends with everyone she's ever fought. What could possibly be wrong!?


"Mr. Cedric!" Sofia bursts into her sorcerer friends lair, not even bothering to knock. Cedric is expectedly unsurprised, considering the amount of times Sofia has done this over the past few years.

"What is it this time, princess?" He asks in his usual grumpy voice.

"It's my amulet. I-I don't know why but, it's not working. I can't understand my animal friends, I can't turn small, I can't do anything! It worked just fine yesterday, after I defeated Vor, but... But... I don't know what happened!" She explains, her voice sounding anxious at the situation.

As Cedric listens, he flips through the pages of his magic history book. As expected, he stops on the chapter about the amulet of avalor.

Sofia watches as Cedric skims through the pages. Though her worry only grows as his reading becomes more repetitive and frantic.

"Did you find anything...?" Sofia asks nervously.

Cedric shakes his head. "No" he says. "Nothing. There's already very limited knowledge about the amulet, but without knowing the cause of this...well, it's a mystery".

"Maybe a curse?" Sofia suggests.

"No, that amulet is one of the strongest magical artifacts in the world. There isn't a creature on all the aisles strong enough to curse it so that it would stop working entirely".

"oh..." Sofia looks down sadly. For a moment, the situation was hopeless. Until she suddenly had an idea.

"I can go to the mystic isles and find answers! Maybe I'll find something on the isle of crystals" she exclaims.

"I don't know what any of that means but have fun" Cedric says dismissively.


It was heartbreaking having to ask Minimus for assistance when Sofia can't even hold a basic conversation with him. She was worried she'd never be able to talk to him again. But she kept her hopes up. There had to be something...

After arriving to the isle of crystals, Sofia ventures off to find answers. In her search, she seeks out Azurine, the crystal master. Thankfully, due to her knowledge of the isles, it's not hard to find her. And she is greeted like an old friend.

"Sofia! I wasn't expecting you, but it's wonderful to see you again. What brings you here?" Azurine asks, offering a kind smile. Sofia returns the smile, but is still visibly worried.

"Hi Azurine, I'm sorry but I came here to ask for help" Sofia responds.

"Oh dear, is everything alright?" Azurine asks.

"Well..." Sofia isn't quite sure how to answer. On the bright side, the isles are safe. But still... Something very dear to her could be gone forever.

"How about you come inside and take a seat"


"Wow, so the amulet was working yesterday, after you defeated Vor, but now, it's not working? And you have no idea why?" Azurine clarifies, warning a nod from Sofia.

"The amulet of Avalor is a mystery, not much is known about it. But you're a crystal master, and I thought... Well, if anyone could help me... It would be you" Sofia explains. For a moment, there was a somber look in Azurines eyes, as though a bittersweet memory came to her mind. But whatever it was, she chose not to speak on it.

"Sofia..." Azurine begins, her voice soft and caring, but with a hint of seriousness. "You've done so much for not only myself, but all of the mystic isles. To that, I owe you everything. I...cant promise I can fix the amulet for you. But...i will do everything I possibly can" she promises, squeezing Sofia's hands reassuringly. There's a glimmer of doubt in Sofia's heart, but it's quickly squashed under her immense faith and hope.

"Thank you Azurine, I truly am grateful. I-"

Sofia's words are cut off when she receives a sudden incoming call from the protectors. She holds up her gauntlet to accept the call.

"Sofia, mandatory meeting with all protectors, right now. You must make your way over".

Sofia looks back over at Azure. The woman nods reassuringly, as if telling her to go, and she'll work on the amulet. So Sofia nods, and accepts.

"I'll be right there!"

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