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After Sofia and Prisma were separated, they were brought back to the protectors headquarters. When Sofia arrived, the protectors were already seated in a circle for discussion. Sofia hesitantly takes her seat next to Chrysta. The two share an awkward glance at each other. And when Chrysta offers a kind smile, Sofia looks away... 

"As we previously discussed, we will be executing our prisoner, Prisma, for her crimes against the isles. This is something we've never done before...how do we propose on going about it?" Orion asks. There is silence at the table for a moment before Vega responds. 

"Well, to honor princess Sofia's earlier statements; since Prisma has never successfully taken another life, she must be spared of any suffering. I suggest a permanent sleep spell" Galial proposes. 

"Any spell can be undone. It won't be permenant enough" Garish objects. 

"No one will know where she will be kept. And as far as we're concerned, Prisma has no allies that would care enough to seek her out. Even if she did, she's powerless. No evil doer would benefit from waking her. I believe this is the safest option" Galial explains. 

"If no evil doer would care to do evil with her, then what's the point in putting her to sleep!?" Sofia exclaims. 

"Because she's fully capable of doing evil on her own, and she can't be trusted" Orion answers bluntly. 

"Well I trust her. Because she's my friend" Sofia states proudly. 

"Your friendship isn't enough to make up for everything she did" Vega sternly interjects. 

"Then give her a chance to make it up to everyone!" Sofia pleads. 

"She's had plenty of chances. We will not go over this again Sofia; Prisma is too dangerous to trust. She's too powerful, and we know what she'd be willing to do if we wrongfully trust her. The sake of all the realms lies in our hands, and we will not jeaprodize everything just because you want to forgive and forget" Vega concludes. 


"No buts" Vega interrupts. Sofia looks over at Chrysta pleadingly, desperate for someone else to have her back in this. But once again, Chrysta looks away. 

"I can't believe you! We're supposed to be the good guys! But what you're doing makes you no better than Prisma!" Sofia exclaims. 

"And your behavior is no better than an insolent child!" Orion sternly exclaims. "Executing Prisma goes against all of our principals. Don't you see, Sofia? None of us want this any more than you do. But there is too much at stake, we cannot afford to keep handing out chances as if we're blind to the risks, like you seem to be"

This lit a flaming anger in Sofia, something she doesn't feel often. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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