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⚠️This is an 18+ story ⚠️

Clarification: this is fem!tae but I use he/him pronouns for Taehyung. So basically, he just has female anatomy/body.

~ <3 ~

Jungkook hates his friends.

They can be cool sometimes, like buying snacks for him without expecting payment back, or driving him places because he was the youngest and the only one who didn't have a car.

But now he's willing to put all those favours he owes to them down the drain because they all collectively decided to throw Jungkook into a well of misery.

It was supposed to be great. Supposed to be a normal hangout between the four friends on a Friday evening, just a normal game of Truth or Dare.

Maybe that's where he made his first mistake. His second mistake, was in fact choosing dare and allowing his fate to be put in the hands of the three others.

"Truth or dare Jungkookie?" The second oldest of the group, Hoseok, asks with an evil glint in his eye.

Jungkook sips on his soda as he thinks before answering, "Hmm... dare?" It came out more of a question than an answer.

Immediately, Hoseok whips his head to their two other friends, Yoongi and Seokjin, beginning to plan Jungkook's fate.

"Okay! I dare you... to eat six instant ramen cups in one sitting!" Hoseok exclaims, yet the proposal earns him groans from the two oldest.

"Oh c'mon Hobi, that's lame." Yoongi sighs.

Seokjin nods his head in agreement, "Besides, that's probably something that Jungkook would do on his own accord."

They snicker as Jungkook frowns while crossing his arms, slightly offended because it may be slightly true—not that Jungkook would ever admit to it.

Seokjin moves to pat him on the back with a smile, "Aish, don't look too glum. We love you all the same with or without your weird eating habits!"

Jungkook rolls his eyes as they laugh again.

"Maybe we should dare him to do something normal, that'd be a real challenge." Yoongi suggests.

"Or better yet, make him do something productive!" Seokjin adds in.

It was a joke but Hoseok seems to actually take the eldest on with the request.

"That's not a bad idea... Hey Jungkook, I dare you to go wash my car!" He jokes.

The youngest raises his hands defensively with a smile, "Are you sure you trust me with your car? I just might, y'know, crash it." His cheeky expression earns him playful push, the room erupting in happy grins and laughs.

When it dies down Hoseok leans onto him, wrapping his arms around the younger, "I was serious though, can you wash my car? I got no time and you just got your license, might as well put it to use!"

Jungkook chuckles but nods anyway, "Yeah sure hyung, I don't mind."

Hoseok squeals happily as he squeezes Jungkook harder, Seokjin and Yoongi watching them fondly.

"Yah! At least make it interesting." The paler one of the two suddenly complains, Seokjin is right behind him.

"True, how about making him go to one of those car washes that have half-naked hot people clean it for you." Hoseok and Yoongi grin at Seokjin's request, while Jungkook turns bright red.

It's a running joke between the four of them that Jungkook has absolutely no game—be it with women or men the male is simply hopeless. No matter who his friends set him up with, it always ends up with a stuttering and tomato-faced Jungkook while his date blankly stares at him. So of course, with the promise of surrounding Jungkook with extremely attractive individuals in nothing but tiny bikinis and shorts has the older ones in full consensus.

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