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Jungkook stares at the contact displayed on his phone screen. The same one he's been staring at for a while now—a whole six days actually. Enough for his hyungs to notice and tease the younger about it too. He rereads the note left by the most breath-taking male he's ever met, burning the words into his brain as if he'll forget how to read in a matter of seconds.

Just then, Yoongi leans over his shoulder and sighs when he sees the familiar screen.

"Again Jungkook? I can't believe you still haven't texted him. You guys literally fucked." Jungkook rolls his eyes and swats Yoongi away, yet Seokjin and Hoseok look up from where they're playing UNO. It's Friday again, another meet-up with the four in Jungkook's living room.

"Seriously? He's made it more than obvious to you about how much he wants you. Just text him!" Hoseok exclaims, groaning when he looks down to see what card Seokjin placed.

Jungkook sighs, burying his face in the pillow he's laying on. "It's not that... easy."

"Yes it is." Seokjin laughs, "I don't know why you're so troubled Jungkookie. It's set up perfectly, all you have to do is take the first step." He smiles cheekily at Hoseok when he places his last card making the other throw his hands up in reluctant defeat.

"Yeah, but... what if he doesn't like me anymore? What if I was just a fling!" Jungkook sits up worriedly.

Yoongi, beside him, places his hands on his shoulders to ground him. "I'm sure he doesn't think of you like that. And besides, you'll never know unless you actually text him yourself." The other two agree with Yoongi but Jungkook just bites his lip hesitantly.

He opens the chat with Taehyung, it's fully empty as expected but Jungkook is here to change that. He taps on the message board as his thumbs hover the keyboard.

What should he say? Should he greet him first? He probably should, but would he know it's Jungkook? He would have to tell him that right? Then should he open with a greeting or just flat out say who he is first?—

"Aish! You're taking too long!"

Suddenly, Jungkook's phone is snatched out of his hand, Seokjin's infectious laugh echoing as he quickly types across the phone.

"Wha— Jin hyung!" With wide eyes Jungkook jumps from the couch, lunging towards Seokjin who screams at him. On instinct, he tosses the device to Hoseok who was idly watching it all happen.

Jungkook's eyes follow the phone, watching it land in Hoseok's lap, his target changing immediately. Hoseok freezes when he locks eyes with the younger, it's terrifying when a muscly man with a livid glare is ready to pounce on you.

"Hah... Jungkookie...!" He starts warily, shrieking instead when Jungkook takes a step towards him. His hands fling in the air and the phone travels to Yoongi's grasp. This time Jungkook huffs and crosses his arms—he never wins a fight with Yoongi.

"Jungkook, if you don't want us to text for you, do it yourself." He says, raising an eyebrow when he receives an unintentional pout from the younger.

"I will. I just—just need some time..."

Yoongi shakes his head, "Six days while staring at his contact photo is enough to tell me that you've had enough time."

He pulls on Jungkook's arm to sit him down as he continues, "Either you text him now or we will."

Jungkook frowns as he takes his phone back, "I don't know why you're all so persistent on this." He mumbles.

"It's because we care, Jungkookie." Hoseok says after a pause, "And seeing you smile for this past week made us want to see it more."

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