Chapter 1

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(Theodore Nott)

Theo always knew that Harry Potter was an arse hole. How you might ask? Easy. He watched.

Now that wasn't to say that Draco Malfoy didn't antagonise him. He did. But anyone with even an ounce of observation skills knew that Draco was obsessed with Potter. And he desperately craved attention and validation from him. It was pathetic really. The entire Slytherin house would tease Malfoy about it. And they gossiped with each other over it. It was common knowledge. Most in Slytherin just pitied Malfoy.

Apparently after six years of this, Potter finally decided to do something about it. But only after he nearly killed him in the bathroom.

It was sick how quickly Malfoy forgave Potter and lapped up as much attention as he could. All the Slytherins knew they were dating. They didn't hide it well at all. Malfoy would cast pathetic looks of longing. And Potter would occasionally look over and smirk. No, it wasn't a secret to anyone.

Well, that wasn't true. The Gryffindors had no clue. Weaslette would hang on Potter and Potter never pushed her away. Then Potter would have the audacity to be offended when Malfoy snapped at her and told her to quit being a slag. She would smirk and brag about how she was dating Potter and again Potter didn't put his foot down.

By this time everyone was confused. And the Slytherins started asking around behind Malfoy's back. They knew that no self-respecting Malfoy would play second place. So he didn't think he was the other lover. But it did appear that way. It seemed like Potter was dating two people. Maybe more. But they didn't see him making eyes at anyone else. Just Malfoy and Weaslette.

After questioning almost everyone in school they determined that yes, Weaslette and Potter had been dating for nearly a year. Telling Malfoy was painful, mostly because he could not wrap his head around it. Potter was supposed to be a saint. A hero. A good man.

Potter was a player.

And the whole school knew it. The students knew that Malfoy and Potter were together. They hid it terribly. But they also knew Potter was with Weaslette. And the Slytherins wanted to ruin Potter.

It would have been easy to call the press, but they needed proof to do that. So, they did the next best thing... they told Hermione Granger. Telling Ron would be stupid he would never trust Slytherins and he was explosive. They also had the other houses tell random Gryffindors. Then they say back and watched.

Granger watched Potter for a while, then she started trailing him and asking questions. Then she started dragging Weasley around. Potter was oblivious to all of it, too caught up in his lies. He just assumed his friends were dating. Or going to date.

It took another month, but the explosion was beautiful.

Potter had just got back from fucking Malfoy and was going to dinner. It was Saturday and he had spent all day with Malfoy.

"Are you cheating on my sister!" The Weasley screamed. His face red with fury. Weaslette looked on in confusion. Granger looked hurt and disappointed. And Potter looked stunned.

Potter looked around then back at Weasley. He had to tread carefully because neither lover knew about the other. "I don't know what you're talking about." He hedged.

Then Weasley turned on Malfoy. "Are you fucking Harry?"

Malfoy sneered. "I do not talk about my love life. And I would never talk so crass. Your mother must be ashamed." He said expertly shifting the subject.

Soon Weasley was raging at Malfoy for insulting his mother. And Potter looked relieved. This may have distracted Weasley, but everyone else saw it clear as day. Including Granger and Weaslette.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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