The First Run In

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Keith POV

Keith was always the loner, and smart and talented kid in high school .He was also amazing in arts and enjoyed it as well. But he never ever EVER let anyone see him draw outside art class. 

Backing up a few years Keith drew freely as he wished and none of the teachers really minded because he was always head of the class. But the problems were with his peers. They always made fun of him and called him "Girly" He didn't like the attention that was starting to collect around him. After class or even in class when the teachers weren't looking they mocked him and made him either mess up hi drawing or lose focus. But that was all in Texas and in middle school. Shiro (his big brother) always said that they were just jealous of his skill in basically  everything but those words didn't make it hurt less.

But at the moment he was in New York in the famous school Garrison High. When Keith is bored and has the time he usually goes to the forest near his house and right next to the school grounds. One day I found myself slowly walking back to the forest. it was lunch time and I don't eat often. I usually just walk out here and draw some animal in the trees. They really warmed up to me after a while. Especially a dog that I found laying on the floor with its paw hurt. He was black with blue stripes warping around his large fluffy body. I named him Kosmo. I think I have very nice name ideas but Shiro thinks otherwise. Not like I told him that I was sneaking out of school to go to the forest with a giant dog that weighed around 140 pounds... He would kill him. But it was technically not sneaking out because they were allowed to leave school grounds during lunch. 

He sat down in his normal spot and was now drawing a fox sitting in the sun a few feet away from him nested in a couple of flowers. He started to wonder were Kosmo was because he was always at this very same spot everyday before Keith and he wasn't the type to be late. That's when he unexpectedly heard a loud shriek. This got him terrified because no one every came to the forest (with the exception of himself) with out having a real reason. The last time he heard something was when he spotted a shady man with a gun held at him. That day he had ran for his life. It was so high pitched that he could not even think that it was that man but a small girl spotting a spider on the wall. It was so in fact that the poor fox that was trying to sleep jumped right into Keith's arms cowering. He stood up with the fox still in his hands, put his drawing stuff into his bag and grabbed the large knife he always pocketed with him.

 He walked slowly into the part of the forest surrounded by trees. he squinted his eyes to see a Cuban boy yelling something. When he stepped forward more he could Identify that it was Lance Mcclain. The boy he had a crush on since the start of the year. He noticed that his hand was bleeding and looked like he was bit. He started to walk a little fast towards him until he was just about ten feet away from him and stopped in his tracks.

I stared in disbelief as I spotted Kosmo growling at him. He had blood staining his teeth and  lips. He also had some sort of color on his back. I stepped forward far enough for the two to see me but both of them didn't even seem to notice that  I was standing almost right in front of them. "What are you doing?!" I ask in an alarmed voice. Both of them seemed to be snapped out of there trances and just looked at me like I was a crazy person. Then Kosmo started to walk towards me. He jumped on me like he always did when He saw me earning a fast step forward from Lance. 

I sat up and patted the ground next to me. He walked over slowly and plopped down next to me. "So what happened out here?" I ask my arms both occupied with Kosmo in one and the small fox that was starting to calm down in the the other.

"Well.." He started of with "My friends and I were having a paint gun fight outside during lunch. And then one of them started running into these woods." That's when I finally noticed the large gun filled with paintballs in his hands. I stared at him in anticipation as he looked down looking sort of ashamed. "Then we all followed after her and ended up inside the forest. Then a while ago we got split up. I heard something and thought it was my friend Pidge who was short and sly. I hit it with the paintball to realize to late that it wasn't pidge and was your little friend here." "Little?" I responded snickering a little "Kosmo is anything but little and he was the on who bit you right?" He just stared at me like I had eight heads. "H-how did you know?" He asked looking beyond confused. "I know his bit mark any were. And plus it's not like he wouldn't get mad if you shot a bunch of paint at him. He cares very much for his fur." I finished proudly with a small smile on my face. 

After a while of talking he just said "Yeah well I got to find the others before the next period. I got Theater and am over the moon!" He flung his hands into the air. "Wait you have theater!?" "Yeah I do." He looked at me again and he found my face gleaming. "That's my next period to! And aren't they doing Romeo and Juliette?" Excitement was rushing through my vain and escaped through my voice. "Yeah  and i'm one of the actors!" "I'm part of the backstage crew on set!" I put down the now sleeping fox beside me and got up. Lance followed me and we started to walk with Kosmo just a few feet behind.

Authors quick note:

So this is my first book on Wattpad and was a butt ton of fun. If no one reads it than i'll try a few other stories with Klance and if  none of those get any readers than no more Klance.

Also this is a short chapter because this is the first chapter and if no one likes it than not much effort wasted. So uh yeah. That's it.

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