Meeting Voltron Part 2

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Keith POV

When we got to the meadow I a little gremlin thing  just lying there. Lance bolted toward it and held it in his arms. "Oh Pidge." Lance said to the thing, which seemed to be named Pidge was covered in paint and it also had a paint gun in their limp arm. "Who did this to you?" Fake tears running down his face. "I-it was H-H-Hunk..." The fakeness which was being ignited in this scene made me cringe. When the small gremlin finally seemed to notice me y got up and stared at me scanning from my head to toe.

 After what was about a minute she turned to Lance and asked "That's the guy?" "Yeah..." he said so softly that I could barely make out what he was saying. Some of my dark raven hair fell in front of my eyes and I blinked before pushing it to the side of my head. Lance immediately turned red and stood up knocking Pidge off of his leg. The gremlin grunted and shot him a death glare which, as soon as it saw his red face, became a smirk. I walked toward him with one hard clenched at my side and one pressed on my chest. I felt my face heat up just a bit as more of my hair fell on top coving my blush. I took the hand of of my chest and placed it on Lance's forehead. "You a-alright? Y-You're... a BIT red." I cursed at my self for stuttering but for me it was just natural. Shiro had tried to have it checked out but there was nothing wrong with me physically. Lance stepped to the side away from my hand and, if possible,  turning even redder. "J-Just peachy." He stumbled out in a rush.

Pidge POV

When Lance so rudely dropped my I sat back up making a face at him. Then I saw how red he was. I remembered how Keith looked hella cute just a few seconds ago and smirk. God  was this man in LOVE! Io smirked at him behind his back. Keith walked closer to him posing like a anime girl and pressing his hand on Lances forehead. My smirked turning into a smile when I saw a slight blush on Keith's face as well. So they both like each other huh. To anyone who would have just walked over would have thought 2 things. 1. Both of these kids are obviously love struck and 2. Who is that kid that's grinning like a idiot?

Well who cares. Also who in the world says 'just peachy' anymore, like Lance, get with the program. 

Lance pulled me up and I smacked him in the head for dropping me in the first place.

That's when I spot the giant dog. I jumped and hid behind Lance. "What the f*ck is that thing?!" I pointed to the dog like thing. I didn't expect to get an answer but..."That my dog Kosmo." Keith stated as if every one has a 140 pound dog . 

I inch toward it. But Kosmo steps back and hides behind Keith. " Sorry. Kosmo isn't to warm with new people." Keith said as Kosmo rubs his head on Keith's leg. He crouches down and pets his head.

Sorry it's short. I'm just running late.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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