Chapter 37: Celebration of Life (Bethany's POV)

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I've been waiting on the edge of my seat for this to be over. Austin's single text message has me in jitters. It's too good to be true.

Austin: It's over. I'm coming over with Wolfe.

I don't know how they did it. But soon I will get to see Wolfe again. He will be in pain from the beatings, counseling for his emotions, and doctor's for his wounds but despite it all he will always have my love. It was the one thing that kept me going. The one truth that allowed me to hold on to the hope of tomorrow.

The trauma Evan put me through will last for years. His physical wounds on me will mend in time. His words broke me over and over until there was almost nothing left. It is his anger that will forever get the best of him.

His anger was like water flowing down a stream, I didn't know when the rapids and waterfall would appear. But when they did I held onto my sinking kayak. I don't need to drown anymore now that Evan's been defeated. There will be a trial and my emotions aren't looking forward to that, but Wolfe will be there and in the end the evidence will put Evan in his place, behind bars.

Anyone who says a woman should stay with her abuser is just as bad as the abuser they are protecting. It's not always the woman's fault if a relationship has reached its end. Sometimes all you can do in a toxic relationship where there are blame games left and right, is to simply stop playing. With Evan I stopped playing ages ago, and even though I never told him about Malcolm Wolfe, I didn't need to. I needed to fly free and spread my wings somewhere else. I never needed his permission or approval to do that, happiness was always allowed despite all the brain washing he attempted on me.

Austin's car pulls into Tammy's driveway. Wolfe has nowhere to go, but rumor has it he has inherited Evan's estate. I am not sure what all the legalities of that are or how that works, but I don't think I care. Evan's cruelty came with one good thing, a financial future for Wolfe and me.

That is if Wolfe wants a future with me. Perhaps after all he's endured, he doesn't want a relationship after all. Romance might have died for him after Artie's death and his torture. Giving him time and space might be the best choice moving forward. I of all people know what post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is and what it can do to a person. Emotional, verbal, and physical abuse are no laughing matter. I refuse to be the victim and punch line of Evan's jokes and taunts ever again.

Wolfe and Austin pull up to Tammy's house. My heart starts to pound. I can't tell if I am nervous to see what happened to Wolfe or I am just excited to see him. He has my full support. If he wants me he can have me, if he doesn't it will hurt but I will understand. We have both endured abuse both emotional and physical under Evan's reign. It will be a hard road, but on the other side of it we will still have each other as friends.

Wolfe gets out of the car his face is covered in bruises. His eyes are purple and he looks like he hasn't slept in six years. He looks sore and I decide to distance myself from him as a result. Its not my first choice but it's a starting point. Can we pick up where we left off or will my PTSD and his demons battle until the death?

I don't run into his arms, if I started running I would never stop. He's in no place to lift me and spin me around like a couple reuniting in the movies. Instead I hold my hand out to him and offer to shake his hand.

"What the hell is that, Annie? Come here and kiss me." I walk up to him like a timid deer, unsure of this is what he needs right now.

"Are you sure? You look injured. I don't want to hurt you. Are you sure you still want me after everything you've gone through?"

He doesn't answer with his words, he answers with his lips. His lips are a bit bruised and I can feel where they are raised as his lips drag across mine. He wraps his arns around me and it's game over. We both missed each other and kiss for a few more minutes as Austin unpacks a few items from the car.

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