the fight

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                                                                                      nobody's pov

Riley grunts as Molly pushes him to the ground. "Owwww! What the hell was that for?" he asks, rubbing his backside. Looking up at her, Molly replies, "For being a nuisance." Riley stands up and launches a punch at Molly's gut, hitting her spot-on. "Oof, damn it, you little bastard! I'm going to get you for that," Molly shouts, clutching her stomach in pain. Suddenly, a high-pitched whistle can be heard from the other side of the cafeteria. "Both of you to the principal's office!" a teacher shouts, her  face red with anger 

I glare at Molly as we make our way to the principal's office. The cold, sterile room is filled with an uneasy silence as we take a seat in front of Mrs. Smith, the stern-looking principal of our school."What's the meaning of this ruckus?" Mrs. Smith asks, looking at us with disapproval. "I simply can't allow this behavior at my school. I'm calling your parents right now," she states coldly as she picks up the phone to call my mom. 

As I sit here waiting for my mother to answer the phone, I can't help but feel regret for my actions. I know I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me, but it's too late now. All I can do is wait and face the consequences of my action I cant believe what you got us ito, i growled at Molly.  "We're gonna get our asses beat because of you. I glared at Molly as her face showed rage." You started by taking my Hershey's from my lunch box when you knew it wasn't yours," she yelled. Mrs . Smith shushed us, giving off a warning look. Sooner or later, our mom was here.

Mrs.  anderson walked into the principal's office, feeling a little uneasy. she was called in to discuss children's behavior at school. As she took a seat, Mrs. Smith, the principal, greeted her and began to speak.

"Hello, Mrs. Anderson. Would you like to take a seat? We need to talk about your children. First of all, they are both exceptional students, but their petty disputes are holding them back. They got into a pretty intense fight today," Mrs. Smith paused before continuing. "This fight started because your son apparently took your daughter's chocolate bar, which led them to profanity, which I will not condone."

Mrs. Anderson listened intently, feeling a mix of concern and disappointment. she knew her children were better than this. Mrs. Smith continued, "So, I recommend a program we're working on called the MRP program. This program may help your children understand discipline and respect. Mrs. Smith emphasized the word 'respect'. It only costs ten dollars a month, and we can get them started tomorrow. Just a few signatures and we need you to sign this consent form."

Mrs. Anderson thought about it for a moment and realized that this program could be just what her children needed. She agreed to sign the consent form and thanked Mrs. Smith for her time. As she left the office, she couldn't help but feel hopeful that this program would help her children learn valuable life lessons.

                                                                  rileys pov

my stomach felt queasy as I walked out the office no way what just happened was real right it was a dream it had to be i look over at my sister molly  she looked so nonchalant about thismi had a gut feeling  mom wasent just kidding about that program  we finally get to tthe car i call shotgun i say dashing to the front seat as  molly runs behind me before catching  up i called dibs so its mine i say looking at molly with a smirk of victory until our mom got tired of us and  made us both sit in the back  explains how disappointed she was and how she got together with her siblings just fine  we head to the pharmacy a  mom walks down the diaper ilse looking threw the difreent size ocansionallty asking us witch one we prefer   what no fair mo m we don need diaper were teens  i crossed my arms in defiance but mom quickly  took to pack and usherd me and my sister into the bathroom  to try them on first was molly shew was stripped of her    of her leggingnds then her panties and the then diaper was placed under her and wrapped tightaped all nic  mom amd esure tothat everything was perfect i cnickerd at molly asshe mom figured they fit and they were good enough and force molly to keep them on until we left the store i was next i climbed    ont the changing table as i was quickly stripped of my shorts and boxers and then  diaperd and was given a pat on the butt signfighing i was done  the diaper was soft and rustled with each little movemnent 

hey everybody sorry for the delay in the story I he had a tone of ideas but also when writing I'm using Grammarly to help with punctuation but for some goddam reason  the ai doesn't seem to work for example so if  is part was supposed to be released this a week ago along with other parts I'm working on so if there's a delay its grammar  and maybe if you like   some story so far  il hope you continue to read it and am trying to pump out these chapters quickly but again Grammarly is my only source of good punctuation so as long as Grammarly doesn't work I can't finish my story  think I need a better laptop but to be honest i think i might cancl this story for a while

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