chapter 73 : up to you

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umm! why did last chapter only get ELEVEN VOTES ?? go back now this is unacceptable 😡😡 /j ily guys tysm
for reading my book


"hyein i'm not gonna ghost you." renjun stressed, on the phone with hyein and jisung once again. jieun, haechan, jeno, and jaemin were waiting for the boy, the four conversing amongst themselves.

"he's gonna get a new best friend in new york and realize he'll never need me again." haechan cried, pouting to the three others.

"haechan if you keep whining im gonna staple your mouth shut when we get home." jieun said, haechan practically melting onto the bags that renjun was bringing to new york with him.

he was swaying his hips back and forth, pouting about renjun leaving the group to go to new york, "he's gonna become famous and never come back." the other three sighed at his antics, jaemin getting closer and slapping the boy on the back.

haechan straightened up, holding his back, "my back already hurts from carrying this friendship." jeno was so close to swinging on the gemini, but held back, not wanting to draw more attention on to them.

"do you guys wanna get something to eat after this?" jieun asked, glancing at her phone to see a bunch of notifications coming in from her company. she turned her phone back off, looking up to the three other boys.

haechan happily nodded, the boy starting to list of restaurants in the area. jaemin and jeno were listening to haechan list off the restaurants, deciding what would be good for such a sad day.

jaemin's phone started to buzz a lot, almost falling from where he had placed it on top of the suitcases. "who's.. raemi?" jeno asks, looking at the caller id.

jaemin sighs, picking up his phone, "what's wrong?" jaemin walked a bit away from the group, jeno and haechan locking eyes with each other.

jieun watched jaemin, her eyes traveling to renjun who was now coming back from his talk with jisung and hyein.

"does he have.. a girlfriend?" haechan asked, appalled at how quickly jaemin had left to take the phone call. renjun, confused, stayed quiet wanting to know what haechan was talking about.

he walked over to jieun, the boy grabbing her hand, not wanting to let go. the two stayed close, hoping that time would go slower, and that they'd still have time to be close with each other.

jeno glanced between haechan and jaemin, the boy also completely surprised, "i don't think so? but i wouldn't be completely surprised if he did." haechan looked at jaemin, noticing renjun next to them.

"omg your back! now you don't have to leave just stay here." haechan clung onto renjun, the gemini pushing away jieun in hopes of keeping renjun closer.

"haechan if it weren't for me you wouldn't even be here." jieun pushed the boy off, holding onto renjun on d again.

jaemin walked back over, noticing renjun had joined the group, "be safe in new york alright? make sure to text us everyday and don't forget to take your vitamins." jieun let go of renjun, the renjun and jaemin hugging.

jeno, holding back tears, joined the hug, putting his arms around jaemin and renjun, "let me join too." haechan said, walking over to his best friends.

jieun smiled, leaning against renjun's luggage. her boy was leaving, and she was okay with it. they would only be apart for a year, jieun set on opening a branch in new york to join renjun when she's done with school.

the four let go of each other, jaemin and haechan wiping off tears that had slipped out. jeno pat their backs, renjun doing the same, "i'll really miss you guys. i love you so much."

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