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Kasumi Imani Foster- 26(Sumi, Nini)+ A Week Later ++

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Kasumi Imani Foster- 26
(Sumi, Nini)
+ A Week Later

"Okay I already told you I'm gonna talk to them quit letting them bother you" I sighed standing up from my seat and talking to Nellee, grabbing her hand I pulled her into a hug

"I'm not bothered them bitches just have no real lives so they watching mine" Her eyebrows furrowed she wrapped her arms around me hugging me back

"Love if you already know they're miserable don't let them piss you off" She nodded without saying anything but still hugging me

"Okay but next time I'm beating hoes right up" I laughed knowing that she was serious we both pulled away sitting in the chairs

Nelle wheeled the other chair to me so she could sit right next to me as we looked at Renovations for the club

"Ooh we should make the lights on the stage change colors they've been purple forever" While Nelle was typing up everything I started making budgets for all the ideas

"I was thinking we should add more po-" My words got cut short as the door opened revealing Asad with Wingstop bags in his hands

"Hey baby what you doing here?" I stood up from my seat and grabbed one of the bags as he came in sitting them on the desk

"I came to bring you and your friend food since you said you were craving wings" He leaned down pecking my lips twice luckily Nellee was in here or it might've gone further

I figured I might as well introduce them but knowing Asad he probably has already done a full background check on her before meeting her

"Okay Janellee this is my boyfriend, Asad, baby this is Nellee now what's in these bags?"

"Okay Janellee this is my boyfriend, Asad, baby this is Nellee now what's in these bags?"________________________

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Jeanellee Simone Jones- 25
(Nellee, Sisi)
+ 9:45 PM

"Can I have one of yours, please? they look better" I smiled at Asad watching him shake his head sliding his lemon pepper wings to me I grabbed two flats giving them back to him

"I don't know how y'all got the same thing I'm starting to think you like to save your food"

Sumi chuckled I did the same knowing she was talking about when we went to dinner, I ate her food but in my opinion, it did look better

"She do and she took the flats" Asad laughed and Sumi agreed with him

"But she let me and you just watched me take them so I rest my case" They both laughed as we continued to eat our food before Sumi started telling Asad about the new ideas for the club of course making me talk too

"Baby show him what we have down so far" Sumi looked up at me while I looked at Asad he had a smirk on his face as he nodded his head toward the computer waiting for me to show him

"Okay well as you can see we were thinking about making the LED lights go to the beats of the music, we should hire bottle girls there are a lot of sections that could be put to use" I shrugged, Asad nodded his head, while Sumi looked at me with a wide smile on her face

Looking at me like she was a proud mama or something...

"Okay baby you already know I'm on whatever you on and you get whatever you want so just let me know"

Now that's a man honeyyy!

Sumi nodded gathering all the stuff that was out, coming to the couch I had gotten comfortable on before we started eating

"So you coming home with us tonight pleaseee?" She moved my legs and sat down putting them on her lap

"Nope sorry babe but I promised Senia I would do her hair she's bringing me out of retirement" I watched her face become a pout before she nodded I sat up wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek

Of course, she had to be extra and turn her head making our lips connect she pulled away looking at me with a smirk

All this in front of her man, she's real bold

"Girll you so sickening" Laughing I got up from the couch sighing feeling my bones relax as I stretched I slipped on my slides, grabbing my purse I grabbed Sumi's hand she had out following behind her as she held Asad's hand

They both walked me to my car Asad opened my door I let go of Sumi's hand I got in she leaned her head in

"You better call me when you get home too" She kissed my cheek as I returned the kiss to her cheek I nodded

"Alright lil bit I'll see you later" Asad tapped the top of my car as I waved to him I made sure they both made it into their car before pulling off...

Just a quick filler... School got me in a chokehold fr

 School got me in a chokehold fr

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