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Jeanellee Simone Jones- 25(Nellee, Sisi)++ +

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Jeanellee Simone Jones- 25
(Nellee, Sisi)

"Aww baby you look so pretty, I love this blonde on you" I blushed slightly smiling as Senia grabbed my hand making me do a 360 of my hair while she hyped me up

She felt like we haven't spent much time together so we decided to have a bestie date to catch up

"Thank youu but girl look at you, nobody bestie cuter than mine"  she smiled thanking me, keeping my hand in hers we walked to her White Jeep Wrangler

"I'm so happy I get you all day I been missing you" I chuckled at her dramatics as she sighed shaking her head

"Well girl you got me till like 8 cause I been sleep by 10 now chile" She smacked her lips as she stopped at the red light looking over at me

"No unt un we going out tonight we tryna fuck something... or wait you gotta ask your boyfriend and girlfriend?" She slickly replied I guess trying to be funny I asked them could I go somewhere one time cause we had plans, so she's lucky they said go with her

"Girl no more like tryna catch something plus I did that once you act like I have to do that" rolling my eyes I bit my bottom lip knowing that my mouth would get the best of me

"How I'm gonna catch something and I'm tryna fuck you?, they haven't asked you to be with them so your single and you need to act like it" I jerked my head back cause when Senia had her chance she decided to be "strictly dickly"

"GIRL YOU LIKE MEN, YOU LIKE DICK!, ... what you won't do is play with me like I didn't actually try with you and you didn't want me like that right?" After a few moments of silence I looked at her being visibly mad

I could almost see the steam coming from her ears

"So what, your my bestfriend I should be able to have you when I want like I can't even kiss you anymore, we don't sleep in the same bed anymore, or nothing"

I pinched the bridge of my nose she was making me so confused and frustrated

"Right bestfriend, friends Senia you wanted this, you wanted to be friends and now I'm happy where I'm at, I love you but no I'm not gonna kiss you, kiss my girlfriend, and my boyfriend

No we can't sleep in the bed together naked cause I'm now in a relationship when you have relationships I respect them so do the same for mine" She huffed loudly and knowing Senia she was about to cry and probably yell

"Whatever I was here before HER, they already love eachother how can they fall in love with you or how will you fall in love with me" her words hit me a lot harder than I expected, cause maybe she's right how could they love me?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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