Chapter 13: Jacin

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This is just a big mess of different POVs... and I'm sorry to add another one to the mix.... 
But I hope you enjoy!


Jacin crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, skeptical. "You saw a Lunar warship. In this area? At this time?" 

Cress sighed. "Yes."

He shook his head. "Why would a warship be around here? Aren't they the most secured ships? They're protected by guards and everything." 

Cress waved her arms around, exasperated. "I saw it. Can you please start believing me, and help me figure out what to do next?" 

Jacin stood, his eyes dark. "Look, Cress-you can escape from the hole you made in the wall.. I'll find another way." She looked like she was going to object, but at the glare Jacin sent her, she nodded and smiled weakly. 


Jacin sat back in his cot, watching as Cress kneeled in front of the hole in the wall and picked away at it even more, until there was enough room for her to go through. She looked back at Jacin, raising one hand as if in farewell, but Jacin didn't say anything. Her head went through first, then the rest of her body, her feet last. Jacin felt his breaths easing as he lost sight of her, with the knowledge that now he didn't have anyone else to worry about. 


The needle bit into Jacin's skin, and he gritted his teeth as the liquid coursed through him. Ever since their captors had found Cress gone, they had taken Jacin to another cell-or, room. For the sturdy walls of his new room and small bed were much better than the last cell. 

He pulled away with a gasp when the man released him, and Jacin twisted around, looking at the mark the needle had left. It stung his skin, but not as much as before. He touched it lightly with his finger, the small beads of blood dripping onto his nail. 

The man set a tray of food down for him, watching him warily. His eyes darted from Jacin, to the door, and back, and when Jacin accepted the tray, he stepped out of the room hurriedly. 

Jacin didn't know why the man had been so scared of him. Did he really look that gruesome? Looking down into the cup of water, he studied his reflection, shocked. Nothing was different about him-even the days of being imprisoned hadn't done much to his physical looks. He shook his head, sitting down on the bed and eating from the tray. The food was good, something Jacin hadn't expected. He finished it quickly, and leaned down into the bed, his eyes fluttering quickly before closing themselves. 

His mind fogged from the day's past events, Jacin went to sleep.

He awoke writhing, his stomach burning. It was like a fire had started in his belly, and Jacin bit back a scream as he clutched his stomach. From what seemed like far away, through the chaos in his ears, Jacin heard footsteps, and shouting. The door to his room opened, and a crowd of people came in, their eyes wide and curious. Jacin groaned, choking back vomit, and glared at them like fire. They were just standing there, watching him, as if they were amused, or enjoying what was happening. He watched them as the pain stopped for a while, and what he saw astounded him. 

"Kai," he croaked, his voice hoarse from the effort of keeping quiet,"Kai, help me." 

Kai didn't reply. Jacin's panic grew as his pain started to intensify. "Kai!

Kai watched him, amused, as Jacin gave up and vomited all over his bed, his throat on fire. The crowd clapped, some whistling and congratulating him. He pushed them away harshly. Why had they done this to him? What was he here for?

Kai stepped forward, his eyes catching the ceiling light, and for the first time, Jacin noticed that he looked blank... somewhere else. Was he being controlled too? "Welcome, Jacin. You shall be C-12-"

"I don't want to be here!" Jacin burst out, his voice echoing in the room, hushing the whispers of the crowd. "What are you-"

"You will be C-12," Kai interrupted calmly,"and, with your Lunar powers-"

"Lunar powers?" Jacin suddenly laughed, the sound cold and abrupt. "I have none. Guards don't have any Lunar-"

"You have them now," Kai replied, his voice unyielding. "The liquids injected into you changed that. Now, you will become part of the rebellion-"

"Against what?" Jacin interrupted, sending all his anger into his words. "Kai, you were part of the other si-"

"Enough!" Kai spun around, leaving Jacin standing, confused. "I-and everyone else in this facility-will expect your full cooperation. You will respect the Leader. You will listen to orders!" 

Jacin opened his mouth to reply, but Kai had already stepped out of the room. 


Kai or Cress POV next? I can't decide, we haven't heard from Cress in a while, but Kai.... *sighs*

Hope you enjoyed, and.... Yeah.



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