Chapter 3

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The next morning, Lexie went to work alone because Mark had to make a few phone calls so he could stay in National City for a while.

He talked to the chief to get him transferred to the National City Hospital for an uncertain period of time and told Derek, even though he couldn't tell him the reason he was staying there. He would let Lexie decide when she was ready to contact them.

When he was finished, he went to the D.E.O., since he wasn't going to miss any time with her now. He told himself he would not make the same mistake again by letting her go.


Meanwhile, as soon as Alex stepped into the D.E.O. building, her boss approached her. "Alex!"

She tried to turn around, pretending she hadn't heard him, but it was too late. "J'onn! Hey!" she greeted him in a slightly high-pitched voice.

"What's going on with you?" he asked, seriously.

She laughed nervously. "Nothing. With me? Why?"

"Because you weren't here yesterday evening."

She tried to come up with an answer, but couldn't find a good one. "I... I wasn't feeling well. I... uh... I just had a really bad headache. But I'm all back in the game now." she lied.

He suspiciously eyed her up and down before deciding to believe her for the moment. "Alright. Get back to work, Danvers." he ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

Then he left, and she let out the breath she had been holding.

Just then, Win came up to her. He had witnessed the conversation. "Why can't he know about your boyfriend?" he was curious. Something about the whole thing just seemed off to him.

"Not your business, Win!" she snapped and walked off.

"Really? If you don't tell me, I'll tell J'onn about...uh...Sloan!" he threatened. He was dying to know.

At that, she grabbed him by the collar. "You're bluffing."

"J'onn!" he shouted.

She let go and pulled him away from the main area. "Shh! Be quiet!" She was too scared to lose Mark again to care about what Win thinks or knows about her.

They went into an empty room, and she checked for any cameras. This was way too secretive.

"What the hell are you doing?" Win laughed at her.

"Shut up!"

When she was done, she stood in front of him, hesitant.

"So? Are you telling me or not?"

She sighted. "Fine. J'onn can't know about Mark. Never!"

"Yeah, I think I figured that out. But why?"

She hesitated for a moment, before deciding to tell him everything. "My life is a lie."

"What?" he was confused.

"My last name's not Danvers; it's Grey. I was born and grew up in Seattle. I went to Harvard, became a med student, and was a surgical intern at Seattle Grace Hospital. But three years ago, I was in a plane crash caused by the D.E.O., and I died, or at least everyone thought I did. But J'onn saved me. The D.E.O. fixed me and trained me, then assigned me to Kara. I had to take on a fake identity to not raise any suspicion." she blurted out, and hoped that he understood everything.

Win's jaw dropped to the floor. He wanted to believe it was a joke. It seemed like a joke. There was no way this was real, but the expression on her face and the look in her eyes told him something different. "Are you serious?" was all that came out of his mouth.

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