My Brother thinks you're hot

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You wouldn't let a giant into your house, would you?

No one should. But that's exactly what Nat's sister Nue had done. 

"This is my little brother Nat." Nue said, oblivious she had wrecked chaos in the house. 

There the giant was, just existing and making their large but modest house look incredibly small. Bookshelves with top shelves that Nat needed a step ladder for only came to the giant's shoulders. Precious elephant statues could've been shoved over by the giant's elbows. Nat was even concerned about all the light fixtures in the house, the giant's head made knock them loose. It wasn't only the giant's height. No his broad shoulders made hallways look like crawlspaces. 

The big giant also took all the air out of the house. Nat could feel his breath catch and be lost. The giant had stolen it. 

When the giant leaned down to him and eclipsed all the lighting in the house, Nat felt a sizzle running up his body. It was surely fear. 

"You're cute." The giant smiled and said. 

The smile took up his whole face and Nat saw all of the giant's perfect teeth. Perfect for eating him up. He felt like he was in a fairytale. Nat instinctively wanted to tell the giant he wasn't food. 

"Please don't eat me." Nat thought, but Instead he mumbled a "Hello." and wai-ed with closed hands. 

When Nue came in to shove the giant away to the study room Nat felt a sense of peace return to his house. Nue bounded back and whispered, although her whisper was a bit of yell, "ISN'T HE SO HANDSOME?!" Nue poked his shoulder.

Handsome? Can anything that big be handsome?! Nat just murmured a noncommittal "Mnnh" and hoped it would make Nue go away and keep the giant occupied. 

It did and Nat sunk into the living room couch. When Nue told Nat she was bringing over people to work on a group project earlier today Nat pretty much ignored it. But how could he ignore that? Nat had never seen anyone like that. 

Handsome? It seemed too small of a word for him. He just seemed too much. Too much height, too much width, like some sort of oversized package. And his smile, how can someone show all those teeth. His lips also looked too full. And his eyes danced with flirtation when he told Nat he was cute. 

Which by the way, sure it was a compliment but boys aren't cute! Nat felt his cheeks burn. He was angry, that was why. 

Nat got up and went tot the kitchen to fix himself a snack. Okay maybe it was a few snacks. Some chips, seaweed snacks and then some cup ramen. He was so lost in popping chips into his mouth while waiting for water to boil that he didn't notice a giant invaded his space. 

"That looks tasty." A voice said behind him. 

Nat turned and collided with the tree trunk in front of him. His chip bag crushing into it. The giant was here and Nat just rammed into him. 

"Uh S-sorry." Nat said before sliding away. 

"Sorry I snuck up on you. Nue didn't introduce me before, I'm Max." The giant said and smiled again at him. Waves of charm just wafted off of him and hit Nat.

Nat just nodded. So what if he had a nice smile. He used it too much. 

"So Nue told me to grab some snacks and drinks. Can you help with that?" 

"Yeah chips and snacks are in the pantry, drinks are in the fridge." Nat pointed to both and went back to watching over his simmering pot. Trying his best not to stare too much at the big guy with the nice smile. The flush in his cheeks was because of the hot stove. 

"Nong Nat?" Max said after a bit. "Can you help me? We could probably use a third bag of chips and my hands are full. Just stick it under my arm okay?" 

Nat walked over and grabbed another bag, and Max bent over to allow access to his lifted arm. Nat quickly stuck it in and stepped away.

"Thanks Nong Nat. I feel bad making a freshman in high school help me out."

"--Freshman in college..." Nat interjected.

"College? Really??" Max looked at him incredulously.

"Really." Nat finally looked up, way up, and stared at Max square between the eyes. "College."

"Why don't I see you around? I would've noticed you...." 

Nat surely doubted that. He would have to dip his head down from the clouds to see someone like Nat. "Nue and I go to different schools."

"Man that's a shame. I was hoping to see you more often." Max smiled again. Relentlessly using that easy smile. "Be right back for drinks." And left, taking all the air again with him.

Nat quickly poured the boiling water into his ramen and scurried away to the safety of his bedroom. 

Max came back to an empty kitchen and quickly grabbed drinks and headed back to the study. 

Nue let him put down drinks then crooked a finger to him. Motioning for him to get crouch to her. "My brother thinks you're hot."

"So..." Max started.

"So...?" Nue interjected.

"Help me out will you?" Max smiled. Nue squealed, she had the perfect plan. 

"You'll follow exactly what I say?" Nue said when a gleam in her eyes.

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