Baby Blue and Mint Green

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Nat checked his temperature. 37 degrees Celsius... again. He knew it wasn't a fever, but it was all he could do, the flush on his cheeks was definitely a sign of sickness. Nat kept repeating every single second of his interaction with Max in his head. And it always ended with him punishing himself for giving his lunch items to Max. In a moment of stupidity Nat thought about how baby blue suited the big man and chose those for Max. He regretted it ever since those big hands touched his.

Beyond all of that Nat still had a problem: no lunch items. He was stirring the homemade kimchi soup that he made for dinner and wanted to take a portion for lunch. Yet again he thought of the giant. His height, his warm smile, his soft eyes, his large hands... Nat shook his head again. Get out of there you big oaf, Nat grumped. Nat would just have to grab a sandwich at his favorite cafe and pack the soup for Nue. It was all Max's fault.

Lunchtime came and Nat dipped into his favorite cafe 'Mint' near his university. It was decorated in light woods and soft greens and always smelled of fresh bread and coffee beans. The soft velvet arm chairs that dotted the interior were arranged in group tables and singles.  Mint was a bustling place where you felt comfortable bringing friends or just reading alone. 

A good meal, a green tea latte with extra whip cream and a book would fix all his problems, Nat decided. Nat finished his sandwich and started to thumb through his iPad to read. Everything was slowly going back to normal. 

He had thought about Max so much in the past 48 hrs that when a shadow cast over his table, he looked up and thought it was Max. The shadow smiled. But shadows don't smile. And shadows definitely do not have such nice smiles. Nat could've sworn this shadow was Max, but it couldn't be.

"Hey." The giant shadow simply said. "Oh you drink green tea lattes, too?" Max added holding up his own. It was Max. Finally Nat's brain had started working again. Barely. Nat closed his gaping mouth and pushed it in inwards. 

Max was already dragging over a nearby stool and moved to sit at Nat's table. The big man barely fitting on the small seat. The shadow of him eclipsing the table again. 

Nat made no effort to say anything. He just pushed up his glasses and looked back at his iPad, continuing to read the same sentence five times. If he read it enough he wouldn't think of the questions that sped into his brain. 

Why was Max here? Nue and Max's campus was 4 MRT stops over. There was absolutely no reason for him to be here. 

Nat glanced up over his iPad, it made Max beam another broad smile at him. 

Why did he have to be handsome and dress well? His softly styled hair parted in the center to fluff on either side of his perfect face. The soft style suited his crisp polo shirt in deep navy that pulled across his broad chest. It paired perfectly with his light denim jeans.

It made Nat feel frumpy. It was just a college day so he was in an oversized t-shirt with a popular band's logo and cargo pants. Even his sneakers were scuffed and lazy. 

Nat frowned. Angry at himself for looking so messy in front of Max. And angry at himself that he was even angry at the first place. 

Max started to laugh. Nat looked up and glared at him. "Sorry, sorry, you're just too cute." Max visibly trying to hold back his laughter. 

Nat shouldn't be happy someone called him cute. He really shouldn't. He definitely wasn't going to store it away and think about it later.

"I heard this place was one of the best coffee shops in Bangkok." Max said, sipping his latte. "It has you in it, so it must be."

Nat rolled his eyes.

Max laughed again. "But this is really good."

"Right--! They make it from Uji matcha. The highest quality matcha you can buy. Other cafes just use a premade mix or buy the cheap stuff. This is one of the only places that sources the best ingredients. Sure it costs a few baht more, but the taste is so much---" Nat stopped when he realized he gone on a tea rant and dipped his head. "better...." He mumbled to finish.

"That must be why." Max said softly, his gentle tone felt comforting and it made Nat look up again. Which was a mistake. He instinctively looked into Max's eyes. Those caramel eyes and heavy lashes held Nat's gaze. Nat found them so handsome he forgot to breathe. 

Max seemed to not notice and continued on. "Now I know much more than I have did about green tea. It was definitely much more than class taught today. Thanks Nong Nat." He beamed and Nat gritted his teeth. 

"'s no problem..." Nat looked away, frowning. He felt pulled in every direction in front of Max. His heart was speeding up while his brain was going numb. He hated how little of himself he was in front of Max. Why couldn't he play it cool, or even actually act cute? He hated that he wanted be cute in front of him. 

"Do you have any more classes today? We could go for a drive...." Max trailed off. 

That sounded like the best-worst idea Nat had ever heard. For once he was thankful for Intro to Computer Science. "No thank you." Even tossed upside down Nat could never forget his manners. "I have a class in an hour... I mean in 30 minutes.... I mean NOW. I'm leaving!"

Nat bolted up and hurriedly packed up his things and put away his trash. He rushed back to the table to properly say good bye like his parents taught him with a wai. "See you, Phi Max." 

"Take care, Nong Nat." Max smiled, returning the wai. "See you around." 

Nat scurried to rush out the door, not before noticing all the heads pointed at Max. Nat sighed and headed to his CompSci class.... an hour early. Okay so maybe he was a wuss for leaving so early, but Nat wasn't sure he could take any more of Max. He was just too much and it left Nat an hour to replay all the silly things he said or did. 

Max didn't ask for a full essay on green tea but there Nat was, just running his mouth. He was such a bumbling idiot. Slobbily dressed, silly blabbering or curt responses... Nat couldn't do anything right. There's no way Max would be interested in someone like him. 

He had only met Max twice, besides Max was his sister's classmate not his. This would all be over soon and Nat could go back to drinking tea in silence and not obsessing over how that navy blue shirt suited Max or how fluffy and soft his hair looked. It was just a stupid crush, Nat had never had one before but he was sure he could get over one now. 



Why did Max ask him for a drive? 

Nat felt a tiny spark of hope he tried to extinguish, but it kept growing bigger. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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